Chapter 129: Back at Hilltop

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Alita's Point of View

Seeing the gates of Hilltop, I let out a breath of relief, walking faster I looked up at the men on duty.

"Can you let me in, or am I gonna have to climb over myself, please?" I asked, and they opened the gates.

"Thank you." I muttered before heading inside.

"Alita?" I heard someone call, looking over I see Sasha heading over to me, I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I came to collect a certain redneck." I responded, she smiles.

"I was surprised when he showed up without you here." She tells me.

"Yeah, we have a few things to talk about." I muttered.

"I'm sure he's gonna be happy to see you." She tells me, still smiling, I smiled a bit back at her.

"I hope so... It's a long walk just to get a bad reaction." I said.

She chuckles patting my shoulder, I glanced over at the medical trailer, she follows my line of sight.

"Why don't you get a check up before you see him." She says, I glanced over at her.

"Nothing like an ultrasound photo to mend broken fences." She suggested to me.

"Maybe so... Plus I did just help people kind of fight their way out of the Sanctuary." I said.

She looks at me with wide eyes, I shrug with a small smile.

"All or nothing, right?" I asked and she nods a little.

"Right." She said, as I patted her arm, as I head over to the trailer.

-Time skip-

Sitting up I take the photo from Dr. Carson.

"Everything's fine. But I'd suggest no more fighting well... Hard fighting like you did hand to hand, unless it was to save you or someone else's life, okay?" He tells me, as I nodded.

Then I jumped when a banging starts outside, Carson looks out with wide eyes.

"Saviors?" I asked, before he can answer my question someone shouts from outside.

"The Saviors are coming!" Someone shouted. My eyes widen, my question was answered, as I jump from the table and start outside.

"Hold on, you can't go out there." Carson tells me.

"I have to find Daryl or Maggie or Sasha." I tell him.

"You have to hide." He says as I looked at the door.

"Listen, if they find you, they'll tear this place apart until they find them... They'll find Maggie and the rest of your friends. You need to hide- For them." He tells me.

I took a breath, nodding at him.

"Where can I hide?" I asked him.

"In here." He says, leading me towards a door, opening it I see a supply closet.

"Get in there." He tells me.

"How do you know they won't look?"I asked walking in.

"They won't. I promise." He says nodding.

I nodded back before he closes the door, leaving me in darkness, yet I could still see rather well cause of the wolf side of me.

I could also hear the trucks pulling in, once it goes quiet the only sound I could hear for the moment was my own heart beating in my ears.

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