Chapter 17: Another Nightmare?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita was wearing in this chapter and next chapter. Enjoy you guys!)

(Author/Red: Hope you enjoy the video as well, I thought it kind of went with the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

It took Daryl a while to fall asleep that night, he stayed up until he saw Alita knocked out before he let himself relax on his side of the tent knowing she was asleep. But he could tell something was off with her once they walked back to the campsite and it wasn't just about Dale. No one was themselves last night, still to accept that Dale is gone, that another family member was gone.

But there was something different with Alita, he wasn't sure what, but he tried not to think about it, figuring she would talk to him when she was ready. He woke up to the sound of a muffled scream from across his tent. 

He quickly sat up in his sleeping bag fearing that someone else had gotten attacked by a walker when a soft whimper followed the scream and he realized that it was coming from across his tent. Alita must be having a nightmare.

He quickly kicked off his sleeping bag, grabbing his crossbow pointing it at Alita's direction with the lamp on, to make sure she was safe. He felt his heart sink once he saw Alita lying on top of her sleeping bag, a layer of cold sweat over her forehead as she tossed and turned in bed, mumbling words that he couldn't quite put together. 

He dropped his crossbow on the floor next to Alita's weapons before he placed the lamp on the ground as he made his way towards her, knowing he needed to wake her up to get her out of whatever nightmare she was reliving.

"No..." Alita mumbled in her sleep as Daryl knelt down beside her in worry.

"Alita." He said softly shaking her shoulder gently, but she didn't wake up as she squirmed in his arms.

"No... No! Guys! Ash! Nate! Foxy! Guys...? Where...? No..." Alita whispered getting more and more saddened or worked up from the nightmare as Daryl suddenly gripped her shoulders tighter to stop her from moving and hurting herself.

"Alita, it's just a dream, wake up." Daryl begged when suddenly Alita gasped sitting up in bed in panic, until she saw Daryl sitting next to her and she sighed.

'It was just a dream... It was only a dream... Ash, Nate, Foxy, Daryl, Maggie, Beth... Everyone that I considered my family. They are either not here or they are okay. Daryl is here, Maggie, Beth, and Hershel are inside the farm house. Rick, his family, and group are here. It was just a dream. Everyone is okay.' Alita thought to herself trying to calm her breathing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Alita whispered as she sat up motioning to Daryl to take a seat next to her which he did without a word. 

It wasn't the first time she had a nightmare, this was the first time Daryl saw how bad the nightmares were, and she was kind of embarrassed about it and felt bad for ruining his night.

"Ya know you don't have to apologize for that Alita." Daryl muttered in a kind voice bumping her shoulder playfully.

She smiled resting her head in the crook of his neck something the two of them did nearly every night after he wakes up from a nightmare as well. It made them feel better, being close to each other like that...

Although the first time she did it, he froze up from the sudden contact, but before Alita could pull away and apologize, he slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Ever since then it became a common thing between the two of them.

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