Chapter 38: How are you, Rick? Plan?

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while for the next 16 chapters. Hope you enjoy.)

No One's Point of View

The next morning Alita woke up to the sun seeping through the large windows in the cell block signaling that it was morning and she sighed. She had barely gotten any sleep last night, her dreams turned to nightmares of her killing Lori to save the baby. 

It was what Lori wanted, but she hated herself for doing it and she hated how Carl had to watch it too. She glanced around the cell block from hers and Daryl's bed at the top of the staircase.

With her spotting Beth walking around the room slowly with the baby asleep in her arms and Alita smiled at the sight before rolling over to see if Daryl was awake, but he wasn't there.

Frowning, she sat up on the mattress pushing Daryl's poncho off her body, she noticed his crossbow was gone from the side of the bed and realized he was probably out visiting the graves. 

After a few minutes she finally forced herself out of bed, even though she would have liked nothing more than to crawl back onto the mattress and go back to sleep, but soon everyone else would be awake.

"Morning Beth. How'd you go with Little ***-kicker last night? I heard her cry a few times. If you want I can take her for a while or during the nights so, you can get some sleep?" Alita offered, but the younger girl shook her head as Alita walked down the stairs from hers and Daryl's perch.

"It's okay sis. I like looking after her, it gives me something to do and helps me contribute to the group. You're always out with the men fighting and keeping the group safe. I can't do that, but I can help out around here and with the baby." Beth answered softly looking down at the baby before looking back at her sister figure in front of her as Alita slid her crossbow over her shoulder so it was out of the way.

"You are really good with her sis, she's lucky to have you. The group is lucky to have ya." Alita replied causing the younger girl to smile before she made her way to into the other room and began making breakfast for everyone out of the food from the the cafeteria.

"You know, Alita... You know... You'd be a good mother someday, I know so... You took care of Maggie and I, when ever Shawn wasn't around through out this. Also you took care of the baby when Maggie and Daryl were away." Beth started while smiling.

"Maggie and I talked about those things and we wanted to ask. Are you ever going to have kids some day?" Beth asks looking at Alita, as she looks at her, and Alita was shocked.

She hasn't really thought about it for a while. Well she always wanted to have kids, but... She wasn't sure when that would happen... Maybe sometime in the future, but not now...

"I don't know Beth... I mean maybe someday... Listen... I would love to have kids someday, but I don't okay..." Alita replies to her younger sister figure.

"I think you and Daryl will be good parents, Maggie and I both think so! Even daddy sees that. The way you are with Carl, when you helped Lori on looking out for baby stuff, the way Daryl is overprotective of you and the other way around! The way you were with the baby! Come on Alita, you and Daryl are both good parent material! I got to talk to the ladies as well as daddy and we think you two are ready!" Beth tells her older sister figure.

"Again I don't know Beth, we'll see what happens in the future okay." Alita replies to her young sister figure with a wink, as Beth squeals in excitement for her older sister figure.

Later the two were joking around about Maggie and Glenn, as everyone slowly began getting into the room, taking a seat at the small metal tables in the middle of the room as Alita started handing out bowls of cereal to everyone.

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