Chapter 64: We're going Inside

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Alita's Point of View

Once Ash left, it was just Foxy and I up here, with me leaning against the wall. I had no idea what time it is, but it didn't really matter to me, it wasn't like I was going to sleep anytime soon anyway.

I sat there with Foxy while I was strumming the guitar, trying to distract myself from the incoming footsteps coming up the stairs of the watch tower and I sighed.

This was the third time that at least Rick came up and tried to get me to come back inside, did he not get the hint already?

Everyone gave me some space. I know they are worried about me I just needed some time and I felt a bit better than I was, when Daryl and I got back to the prison, even I was with Ash earlier singing.

But I also wasn't ready to go back and face everyone, especially not after all the sympathetic looks I was given when I went inside to begin with.

Earlier I put some stuff inside the guard tower in orderly fashion, so whenever me or someone need to come up here, it is up here for them.

After a few seconds I heard the door that lead to the inside of the watch tower open and I sighed, not bothering to glance at the door as I stared down at the guitar in my hands.

"Rick... Guys... I swear if y'all ask me to come back inside one more time I am gonna snap. I'm fine, plus someone needs to keep watch anyway." I stated trying not to see how weak my voice sounded as I fiddled with the guitar in my hands.

With me not wanting to look over at Rick or anyone knowing my eyes were a little bit red. Soon I hear Foxy bark happily from my left...

"I ain't Rick, or one of the others." A familiar southern voice responded causing me to quickly turn towards the voice as Daryl walked over to me.

He took a seat against the wall to my right as he took the guitar from em and placed in front of me and then he pulled me into a tight hug.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes as Daryl held me against his chest, his head resting on top of mine.

I could hear his uneven breaths and soft sniffles and I knew he was crying as I hugged him tighter, and I had stopped crying a couple of hours ago.

"M'sorry." Daryl whispered, his voice slightly wavered with emotion as he pulled away from me, leaning back against the wall beside me.

"I shouldn't have pushed ya earlier, I could have hurt ya. I wasn't thinkin' straight and I just left ya there alone, after what just happened I shouldn't have left ya alone... I'm sorry." Daryl says to me.

"Don't. It's not you're fault, we both needed time alone for a bit." I responded, trying my best to keep my voice strong but I was still kind of broken as I picked up the guitar again and started strumming a bit again.

"I should have known he was gonna try to do somethin' like this, I could have stopped-" Daryl began to mutter before I cut him off.

"Don't blame yourself. Merle did what he thought was right, he tried putting an end to all of this." I replied softly, looking over at Daryl as I reached for his hand, lacing our fingers together.

I knew I wasn't able to take his pain away and there was nothing I could possibly say to make him feel better after his brother just died, but I can try and comfort him.

"How can ya be so strong right now?" He suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Because I've been through this before... When my first group was gone, I had no one. I thought you and Merle were gone and even if you were alive the chances of me ever finding you were basically zero." I started.

"That was before I met up with the Greenes and Ash. The whole world was changing and I didn't know what to do when I left my old group's camp. I thought I was alone..." I stated trying not to cry.

"Then I stumbled onto the Greene's farm and when I saw them again... I knew there was a hope that someday I'll find you or someone else I knew again, or..." I tried to keep going.

"That one day I'll be able to see them again watching over those that are still here. But in reality I never gave up hope on finding people once again and I'll continue to live for as long as people need me." I stated trying to hold back tears.

"Even if they don't know it. If it weren't for doing what I did I don't know where I'd be." I responded looking at the sky.

"Alita..." Daryl said softly squeezing my hand as looked over at me in surprise and shock.

"I don't want pity or anything like that, my point is, you will get through this. I know right now it seems impossible, but you will get through this, Daryl. We will get through this." I replied, keeping my voice strong.

"How do ya know?" Daryl asked and I hated how weak his voice sounded as I looked over at him, giving him a sad smile.

"Because we have to. Everyone's lost people they love, but we keep moving forwards, keep battling on through this screwed up world because that's what they would've wanted." I stated.

"Merle would want us to keep fighting and if he saw us right now he would kick both of our *****." I answered, and I smiled hearing Daryl chuckle beside me.

Neither of us said anything for a while as we stared at the stars before I head Daryl yawn from beside me.

"Well... Hershel, and everyone inside the prison looked at me pissed off knowing that I hurt you in a way..." Daryl told me, I scoffed now looking at him.

"If they hurt you they know I what will happens when I find out." I said in a joking way. Both of us chuckled for a bit.

"C'mon, lay down and get some sleep." I said softly motioning towards my lap as I put the guitar near the door and I wasn't sure whether it was a good or bad thing that Daryl didn't argue with me.

But I didn't comment on it as Daryl began to lay down, I smiled softly as he began to relax while I ran my fingers gently through his hair.

It didn't take long before he eventually fell asleep which was good.

He needed all the rest he could get because I knew tomorrow or someday the Governor will be back and he won't stop till he kills every single one of us.

Later on that day Rick went over a plan with us, knowing that the Governor will come when I told him I had a bad feeling that something was coming that day, and I guess I was right...

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