Chapter 137: The Trio

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(Author/Red: Saw this picture of Nate, anyway

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(Author/Red: Saw this picture of Nate, anyway.

This is what Alita is wearing for this chapter.

Enjoy this Alita, Ash, and Nate chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

Walking through the gates the first thing I see was Carl.

"Look what the cat drug in." He comments, I chuckle walking over to him.

He knocks me back a little when he slams into me and wraps me in a tight hug, I returned it with a bit of strength as I brushed his hair.

"Hey, kiddo. It's okay." I whispered.

"I was worried when I got back and you weren't home. They told me you left and I thought maybe the Saviors got you- I was about to come out and find you two-" Carl started.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, Kid." I said pulling away, I held his face between my hands.

"No ones takin' me away, not again. I'm okay, Ash's okay, you're okay- Everyone's okay." I assured him.

He he closes his eyes and nods gently, I smile and notice how warm his face is, pressing my hand against his forehead, then I pulled it away.

"Hey, maybe you should get inside out of the sun. You're feelin' a little warm." I mumbled, he opens his eyes and smiles at me.

"Okay... I love you, Aunt Alita." He says to me.

"I love you too, kiddo." I said smiling at him but it turns to a worried frown as I watch him walk away.

'Is he okay...? Was he...?' I thought to myself going to guard shift near the gates.

-Time skip-

I stared at the ultrasound, I didn't know what to do. Didn't know where Daryl was, I wish I could talk to him right now or just lay in bed with him.

Right now when there was peace, I felt more on edge than I have. I felt good to be back in Alexandria, but now it was like I was trapped all over again.

I got my eyes off of the ultrasound and placed it in Daryl and I's room to hear the door when someone knocks, another knock sounds from it.

Standing up I walk over and open it, I sigh in relief seeing Nate.

He smiles and motions me to come out, I did so happily to be led to the kitchen to see that there was a dish on the island.

"Want some slightly burnt peach cobbler?" He offers smiling at me, as Ash came over and kissed him.

I smiled at the couple, as we were sitting around the island, eating some cobbler.

"Does Daryl cook?" Nate asks out of nowhere.

"I mean, he doesn't seem like the type to be in a kitchen long enough to cook. He seems like he'd rather keep moving." He states, I nodded a little.

"He does like to keep on the move, but he cooks- Mostly outside on fires." I tell him.

"Like to possum he gutted out on the front porch?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"You saw that...? Oh yeah, with the clothes." I said remembering when my family and I got here.

"Yep, it took me some time. But your dad got me to greet you guys, and that's when I saw you and Ash again." Nate responds.

"That's also the day you wanted to ask Ash to be a thing. You know you had my permission from the very start, right?" I asked him, smiling.

As the couple smiled at me, nodding.

"I'm also glad you two have each other. I didn't know how much having someone would really help. But it also makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes, you two should know." I stated.

"I can imagine. I remember you being very stubborn, and Ash told me how stubborn Daryl is." Nate tells me, with Ash laughing.

"Yeah, I did." She says, as Nate and I laugh.

"Yet, I saw nice things. She loves Daryl like a brother, if the both of us had to pick someone for you. He was it." Nate tells me, as Ash and I smile a little.

"Well, if I had to pick someone for my cousin it'd be you. Remember I shipped you guys since you two first met." I admitted.

They chuckled remembering me saying that to them before.

"Ash has also told me about Hershel, your friend Maggie and Shawn's dad. He was a good man. She explained to me what you guys went through and why you kept that journal with you." He says to me as Ash looks down and I nodded as my eyes fell to my plate.

He reaches over and grabs my hand, a soft smile on his face.

"Why do you think I told you that? I trust you, you've been through **** and so have I." He says.

I smile a little and take another bite of the cobbler.

"This isn't that bad- But I can teach you how to cook one if you need me to." I offered.

"That makes me think that it was horrible." He says, as we all laughed.

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