Chapter 22: Herd!

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No One's Point of View

"What the...?" Alita muttered opening her eyes to find herself staring up at trees as the moon light shone through the tree tops.

'Why am I lying in the woods? What the **** happened?' Alita thought to herself, soon finding herself in wolf form, as she got up she felt a sharp pain coming from her side.

'What in the world?' Alita thought switching back to human form with ears and tail still there. Soon she remembers what happened...

"Shane. You ****** ******!" She muttered to herself as she stood up trying to workout where she was. 

She still had her pistol, knife, and crossbow with her which was good, but she had no clue how far into the woods she was. After a few minutes of running, she came out of the woods spotting the farmhouse in the distance.

'Thank you , Lord!' Alita thought to herself as she sighed with relief as she began running towards the house again now to warn Rick and the others that Shane took Randall.

"Rick! Daryl! Guys!" Alita shouted as she opened the front door slamming it behind herself, but she quickly stopped when she saw most of the group all standing around the main room with worried expressions.

"Alita! Oh, thank God you're okay!" Maggie suddenly said rushing towards her as she pulled Alita into a tight hug with Beth a swell.

"You're bleeding a bit. What happened?" Carol suddenly questioned as everyone huddled around Alita in worry and confusion as Maggie and Beth lets her go.

"It was Shane. He was going to take Randall out and kill him. I tried to stop him, but he knocked me out with something silver and left me lying in the woods." Alita explained looking around the room with a frown when she couldn't see Rick, Daryl, or Glenn.

"Shane did this?!?!" Lori asked in disbelief and Alita nodded at her while Hershel tired to patch her up. Yet it looked like healed quickly once again.

"Where's Rick, Daryl, and Glenn?" Alita asked glancing around the room as a sudden panic began to take over her as Hershel tried to help her.

'Shane hasn't killed them too has he?!?!' Alita thought to herself.

"Rick, Daryl, and Glenn went out into the woods to help Shane find Randall! Shane said that Randall attacked him, stole his gun, and ran into the woods." T-Dog said and Alita sighed running her fingers through her hair nervously, but before she could say anything else, Daryl and Glenn walked through the doors.

"Daryl! Glenn!" Alita shouted catching their attention, Glenn semi-smiled seeing that Alita was fine and Daryl sighed with relief pulling her into a hug as he kissed the top of Alita's head.

"What happened to ya? Where's Rick n' Shane?" Daryl suddenly questioned as he cupped Alita's cheek seeing the wound on her side, so he could get a better look at the cut on her side from where Shane hurt her, after Hershel patched her up. But he knew it healed itself quickly.

"Shane did it. Alita caught him trying to kill Randall and he knocked her out, left her in the woods to be eaten by walkers while he let Randall escape." T-Dog explained as both Glenn and Daryl's eyes went wide with shock.

"You telling us that Shane did all this? ****! Him and Rick went off trying to track Randall and we heard a shot, they aren't back yet?" Glenn suddenly asked, and everyone froze in fear.

'They heard a shot?' Alita thought to herself in shock.

"Maybe they just came across a walker or Randall. Shane wouldn't kill his best friend." Andrea said trying to calm everyone down, but it clearly wasn't working.

"Randall's dead. He was a walker, but he had no bites." Daryl explained and Alita frowned in confusion.

'How could he turn if he wasn't bitten? Wait... If he wasn't bitten... No matter how you die... You come back...? That means my theory of people turning no matter how you die is correct? At least normal people?' Alita thought to herself for a bit.

"Can you please go back out there to find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori suddenly asked looking over at Daryl, who nodded.

"I'm going with you." Alita quickly said grabbing her crossbow from her side as she followed Daryl out the door. 

Alita walked onto the front porch until Daryl immediately stopped in his tracks staring out towards the barn. Alita followed his line of sight wondering what made him stop walking when she saw the walkers. Hundred of walkers scattered near the barn heading for the house. 

(Author/Red: Alita gave Maggie her rifle, Carl her katana, and Beth her bow.)

"Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel whispered behind Daryl and Alita seeing the herd in front of them.

"I'll get the guns." Andrea suddenly said as she rushed back inside the house. Alita took a step closer to Daryl, who noticed her sudden movement as he grabbed Alita's hand squeezing it gently trying to calm her nerves.

"Maybe they're just passing through, like the herd on the highway. Should we go inside?" Glenn suggested, but Daryl shook his head.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size will rip the house down." Daryl replied nodding towards the herd as Andrea came back with the bag of guns handing them out to everyone.

Maggie held the rifle out for Alita, but she shook her head slinging her crossbow back over he shoulder as she pulled out her handgun. As Beth was doing the same thing with her bow, as Alita once again did the same to her.

"You two should keep them it will help you guys a lot more than it did me. You guys remember everything Shawn and I taught you two?" Alita asks her younger sisters, as Maggie and Beth nodded at her, and Alita smiled.

"I got the number... It's no use." Daryl stated watching as everyone started loading the guns.

"You can go if you want." Hershel said as he stuffed spare shotgun shells into his pockets.

"You gonna take 'em all on?" Daryl questioned glancing down at Alita before looking back over towards the farmer.

"We have guns. We have cars." Lori says a bit nervously.

"Kill as many as we can. We can use the cars to draw the rest of them off the farm." Andrea suddenly said glancing over at Alita and she nodded grabbing another handgun out of the bag knowing that she was gonna need more ammo if they were actually doing this.

"Are ya serious?" Daryl questioned wanting to make sure everyone knew what they were getting into before it was too late.

"This is my farm. I'll die here." Hershel replied as he loaded his shotgun.

"Alright. It's a good a night as any." Daryl stated as he jumped down from the porch holding his hand out of Alita as she followed him.

"Glenn, Maggie, you guys in one car. T-Dog, Andrea, you guys in the other. One drives and the other shoots. Lori, Carol, Marine, Beth, Patricia, you guys stay in the house with Hershel. Daryl and I will take the motorcycles." Alita shouted as they all ran towards the vehicles parked next to the house.

"I will take the RV." Jimmy shouted in the background as Alita watched everyone get into the cars as she and Daryl climbed on their motorcycles.

"Be careful, alright?" Daryl shouted as Alita kick started her dirt bike glancing over at him.

"You too. All of you." Alita replied giving him a nod before she tapped the bike into gear as she took off towards the barn. The other vehicles all followed behind before everyone broke off in different directions to shoot the walkers.

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