Chapter 50: Prison in Trouble

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No One's Point of View

"About what happened in Woodbury..." Daryl began to say, breaking the silence as the five continued walking through the woods towards the prison.

"Merle told us-" Ash continued saying after Alita didn't respond, but this time she cut them off.

"Merle wasn't there. He didn't know what happened." Alita muttered, but before Daryl or Ash had a chance to reply the sound of gunfire erupted in the distance.

"****, that's coming from the prison." Alita stated, looking over at Foxy, Daryl and Ash, who nodded and without another word the four took off running.

They ran for what felt like forever, jumping over logs, ducking under branches and weaving between trees, Alita's ribs were aching a bit still with each step but she didn't care. Her family was in danger, that was all that matter at the moment.

"Holy crap." Ash gasped as the five ran out of the tree line coming face to face with the prison fences where they could see a van parked in the field and walkers coming out of it.

Alita didn't have much time to take it all in because she spotted Rick outside the prison with his back pressed against the fence, holding two walkers back.

She quickly raised her crossbow, aiming at one of the walkers and pulled the trigger just as Daryl fired his crossbow.

In an instant both of the walkers against Rick dropped to the ground, bolts implanted through their skulls.

Suddenly Merle and Ash ran past the two, running at the walkers near the fence and Alita followed their lead, reloading her crossbow and both Alita and Ash fired their weapons.

"Foxy go." Alita says and within seconds the six of them took down the walkers around as Alita and Rick nodded at each other before the six walked over to the fence.

Soon taking on all the walkers roaming around the open field. At least the others closed the gate that lead to the courtyards the walkers couldn't get in.

-Time skip.-

"Carol! You're alive!" Alita shouted as the five closed the large gate behind her after making a run for it to the courtyard.

Carol, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Beth, Hershel, and the woman with the katana were all standing in the courtyard waiting for them.

"Thank God you guys are okay." Carol responded as she pulled Alita into a hug before Glenn started talking.

"I thought we agrees on Merle and this other woman not been here!" Glenn shouted and Alita quickly pulled away from Carol, and the Greenes, unsure of how Merle, Ash, or Daryl were going to react.

"We have bigger problems to deal with right now, let's go inside." Rick responded in an exhausted tone, clearly not wanting a fight as the others nodded and slowly everyone walked into the prison.

To Alita's surprise Merle didn't try to argue when Rick and Daryl locked him in the room next to the cell block so he couldn't do anything stupid or start any fights.

But when they wanted to put Ash in the same room with Merle, yet Alita and Daryl persuaded them to let Ash stay with the group in the cell block.

Daryl stayed with Merle for a few minutes, wanting to talk to his brother about something, so Alita went into the cell block with the others.

She began moving the mattress her and Daryl had set up by the stairs back into the cell it came from, before grabbing her backpack that she had left in the prison.

She walked back towards the cells finding one that nobody else was using as she threw her backpack on the lower bunk before taking her crossbow off her back.

Her pistols out of her holsters and put it on the little table that was in the cell she was in and she was laying her crossbow on the bed as well.

She knew Daryl liked sleeping near the stairs on the perch because he could see everything and she liked that too, but everyone could see them.

With giving them literally no privacy and after what happened at Woodbury, all Alita wanted was privacy.

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