Chapter 28: Separated in Prison

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for six chapters. Hope you enjoy the chapter!)

Alita's Point of View

The next morning Daryl and I woke up pretty early, nobody else was awake yet, other than Rick, so the three of us decided to go find the armory and I hoped that there was a silencer in there somewhere.

So I could put it on my... Well my other handgun.

"Not bad." T-Dog stated as the three of us came back into the cell block, laying out all of the weapons we've found on the bench. It had been an easy run, we only came across a few walkers the entire time and managed to fill three bags full of weapons.

"Flash-bangs, CS Triple-Chasers. Not sure how they'd work on walkers, but we'll take it." Rick said fiddling with the new weapons as I stood beside Daryl, who picked up one of the security officers' helmets as walker slime dripped from the inside of it causing my face to twist in disgust.

"I ain't wearing this ****." Daryl muttered, chucking the he;met back onto the bench as I grabbed one of the scoped rifles aiming it up towards the wall as I made sure the scope wasn't cracked.

"We could boil them." T-Dog suggested as he grabbed one of the arm guards.

"Ain't enough firewood in the whole forest, no." Daryl replied shaking his head as he picked up the metal pipes, swinging it like a baseball bate.

"Boil them all you want, I ain't wearing it." I stated placing the gun back down as I looked over at Rick, who shrugged before Carol came into the room.

"Hershel?" She called looking over at the group of us as her eye landed on the older man.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked and she nodded.

"Nothing to worry about." Carol simply replied before she and Hershel left the room, but something was clearly up. 

I glanced over at Daryl, who shrugged his shoulders before the four of us continued to check out the weapons. An hour later Daryl, Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie, Hershel, and I was getting ready to go clear more of the prison to find the cafeteria and infirmary.

"I can't believe you three are actually wearing that." I stated watching T-Dog, Glenn, and Maggie all started strapping on the protective uniform.

"Well, I don't wanna get bit." T-Dog responded with Maggie and Glenn nodding, I nodded as Daryl handed me my crossbow, after I tucked both of my handguns away.

"You don't need that. I need you to stay put." Rick suddenly said, taking one of the helmets off of Carl and I could see the sudden shock and anger wash over the young kid.

"You're kidding?" Carl questioned, staring at his father in disbelief.

"We don't know what's in there. Something goes wrong, you could be the last man standing. I need you to handle things here." Rick replied.

I smiled seeing the sudden change in Carl's expression as he nodded, Carl then looked at me real quick coming towards me with a smile. I winked at him as I secretly handed him a small chocolate bar, he took it, smiling at me as he turns back to Rick, as I giggled a bit at his smile.

Rick gave me a look smiling a bit in a really long time, seeing how I was with Carl must of helped him.

"Sure." Carl replied and with that the group began to head out. I handed Daryl the flashlight that I had found a few days ago as I walked beside him. Rick in front and the others behind, I had my crossbow raised, finger resting against the long dark hallways.

After a few minutes we reached another cell block and as the others shined their flashlights towards the cells the ground covered in dead corpses. 

But I noticed that some of the bodies had been half eaten, which meant walkers were clearly near by or at least used to be. Glenn quickly sprayed an arrow on one of the walls to indicate which direction we had came from so we wouldn't get lost in the large prison.

Once we deemed a cell block to be clear of any walkers, we all made our way through another hallway until we came across a 'T' section and decided to go left. 

I only walked a few more meters when Rick slowly walked around a corner, but as soon as he spotted all the walkers around the bend he quickly ushered all of us backwards.

"Go back! Move! Walkers!" Rick shouted in a whisper, but it was too late, the walkers had heard us and without a second thought we all turned around and began running back down the hallway.

"Come on, this way!" Daryl shouted as he began leading the group in the other direction. 

I was stuck at the back of the group stabbing walkers that got too close as they chased us down the hallway. Suddenly more walkers came out from another hallway blocking Maggie, Glenn, and I from the others.

"****!" I hissed quickly walking backwards, we were trapped, walkers in front and behinds us. I couldn't really do anything in wolf form since I might hurt Maggie or Glenn in the process.

"In here!" Glenn shouted opening a door to my left and I quickly followed the two inside, shutting the door behind myself as I sat and waited until I couldn't hear the walkers outside the door anymore.

"I think it's all clear." I whispered looking over at the couple before I slowly opened the door and sighed with relief when all the walkers were gone, but so were the others.

"Hershel? Daryl? Rick?" I whispered glancing down wither end of the hallway.

'Wait, something's wrong...' I thought looking behind the three of us.

"Rick?" Glenn whispered as the three of us slowly made our way down the hallway in the direction that the group was heading before we got split up.

When suddenly the sound of Hershel's screams filled the air followed by a gunshot. I sprinted in the direction of the sounds, Glenn and Maggie right behind me as I rounded the corner to find Hershel on the ground and I didn't miss the bite on his lower leg while Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog leaning over him.

"No! Daddy!" Maggie cried as Glenn rushed down to help them grab Hershel when suddenly walkers began to appear down the end of the hallway. I quickly took a few steps forwards putting myself between the group and the walkers as I started firing and reloading my crossbow.

"Daryl!" I heard Rick shout and suddenly Daryl was behind me shooting at the walkers.

"We're blocked!" Someone shouted from behind me.

"We have to go back. Go! Go!" Rick's voice ordered and suddenly Daryl was grabbing me my tank top and pulling me down the hallway towards the others as they opened a set of double doors. 

Everyone rushed in the room, dropping Hershel in the middle of the room, but that was the last thing I saw before I turned back to the doors as walkers pushed against it. I quickly pushed my back against the two doors, helping Daryl and T-Dog to keep the doors shut. If these walkers got in, we were all good as dead.

"Have you got it? Have you got it?" Rick frantically questioned looking at T-Dog, Daryl, and I.

"Yes, now you have to cut off his leg, it's the only way to save him." I shouted remembering someone I knew did that, but I saw the slight hesitation on Rick's face.

"Just do it please!" I yelled before I spotted a metal rod lying on the floor a few meters away. 

Daryl caught my eyes and spotted what I was looking at and nodded as I quickly picked up the rod and slid it through the door handles, holding the doors perfectly shut.

T-Dog stayed by the doors, just in case they somehow broke through as Daryl and I rushed over to Hershel just as Rick finished cutting Hershel's leg off, but that wasn't what I was focused on.

I was more focused on the group of people standing behind the metal bars in a small supply room on the other side of the cafeteria. 

I quickly stood up raising my crossbow at the men as I glanced down at Daryl who looked up trying to figure out what I was doing when his eyes landed on the men.

"Duck." Daryl muttered, looking at Rick who quickly did as he said before Daryl raised his crossbow, standing up and making his way over to me as he lite the flashlight towards the men and I realized they were prisoners by the uniform they were wearing.

"****!" One of the prisoners said...

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