Chapter 109: Sneaking!

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter.

And the girl that has black hair is what Alita looks like, but her hair is a bit shorter than that.

Also hope you enjoy this Flash back.)

-Flash back-

Alita's Point of View

Before I left the destroyed camp in the beginning to go to the Greene's farm, I just need some things here before I leave...

After I shot at that guy with the barbed wired baseball bat, I was sure there that I had to be careful to get out of here, back to my motorcycle to leave.

Soon I started hearing voices from one of the tents in front of me.

"Can you believe Negan would help, I mean actually help us raid this camp for supplies?" One of his people said, as I hid near some bushes.

"Well, you can say that, but this was just another camp like ours, and the leader of this camp had a wife and daughter." I heard someone say.

"I mean we know that his wife died during the raid, but the daughter could be out there somewhere, hiding waiting for us so she could kill us." Someone stated.

"But hey she could be somewhere out there as well, getting another group to help get revenge for doing this to her, she obviously cared so much for this group." Another man stated.

'Mom is... Wait the walker I killed earlier... That can't be...' I thought, remembering a walker I killed on the way in here, did resemble her a bit...

"Well they knew the rules and they broke it, but I don't think the dad told the daughter or the group about this." The man mentioned.

"So, I think she is still on that run that the dad mentioned, with a couple of others. But yet again someone did shoot at Negan, himself earlier, while trying to protect the leader, and that other guy." The man from before stated.

"But that guy was captured, but the leader escaped. Well one for one I guess." One of the men said.

"The leader's name is Samuel I believe, that guy was just a friend of the daughter from when she was in high school I believe by looking at it." A man states.

"Well, I also saw the daughter had a crossbow tattoo on her left wrist, and by the look of her I think she was that internet celebrity Galaxy Wolfina, who also did other things as well." The man says mentioning me.

"Cause a friend of mine was watching her livestream before this **** happened, and when she got to a certain goal where she got seven tattoos, I believe she got seven tattoos." The man says now saying things about my tattoos.

"Anyway one of them is representing someone she loved, and the other six representing a show and a couple of other things that she was in." The other man stated.

"Now that you said that, I believe I've seen her on the show called 'Supernatural', she played a woman named Arianna Singer." A different man said.

"But the character Arianna married the famous character Dean Winchester. So now the character is Arianna Winchester, and after the end of season 11 where Amara didn't posses Ari anymore." A man explains a certain season.

"Amara gave Dean three gifts, one being the character's mom, the next one was that Ari was unharmed, and the last one was that Arianna was pregnant with his kid or kids." The man explains.

"But the actor himself is married with kids and the Galaxy Wolfina girl is still single. I remember going to her last show on the tour with that Nate guy and Ash girl before this world turned to ****." A man explains my personal life before.

"Also I've seen her in Captain America movies, as well as the Avengers movie as 'Isabella Ackerman', who is also known as 'The Titian Killer', Bucky Barne's lover, or wife now I guess so it's Isabella Barnes I believe. " One of them said.

"**** I wanted to watch all of the seasons when we got back now you spoiled season 11 for me as well as the Marvel movies you **** head." A man stated.

"Oh boo hoo the baby is crying that I spoiled Supernatural and Marvel movies for him." One of them teased.

After a while I can see them leave the tent when someone called them so they could leave my camp in shambles.

Soon I got out of my hiding spot looking around then I went to the tent the men from earlier were talking near, to see that it was my tent.

I looked down to see a picture that I had of the people of this whole camp.

So I took it and looked around one more time, then I went to my motorcycle when I put the picture in my bag.

I started my motorcycle then left this camp I loved behind. Later hearing a gunshot from behind me...

-Flash back ends.-

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