Chapter 134: Reading

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(Author/Red: This is going to be the night before another attack, this chapter is with just Alita and Daryl.

Also this is what Alita is wearing in this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

My eyes started fluttering, taking a deep breath when I heard someone talking to someone.

I knew the morning was coming, the sun wasn't up just yet.

When I looked down, I see Daryl with a book shockingly, he never does that.

Well, except for Lil' *** Kicker a couple of times back at our time at the prison...

His head was resting against my chest but his head was tilted towards my stomach.

He read lowly, trying not to wake me up, his voice vibrating across my chest.

He read by the light that was barely showing the words at least that what it should look like to him, yet I still smiled at him.

"Never really took you as a Five Nights at Freddy's fan." I stated with sleep still in my voice.

"I got into it when you were in that musical. Even got to see you're videos on em'. " He says looking up at me giving me a small smile.

"You watched the stuff I was in?" I asked him a bit surprised, he still gave me a small smile.

"I always kept up with my best girl. Didn't mean to wake you up." He tells me.

I shook my head running my fingers through his hair, he closes his eyes, yet a bit happy.

"What are you doing exactly?" I asked smiling.

"I was reading to them." He responds to me, but I can tell he wasn't one hundred percent telling the truth.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I was looking through one of those baby books Tara and Ash brought ya- Said babies can hear voices even in the womb." He tells me.

"I meant why at the crack of morning?" I asked, and he shrugs.

"Quality Dad time without you butting in." He said grinning.

I scoffed playfully pushing him a little, he chuckles.

"Daryl, I know you. That better not be the real reason." I told him, as he shrugs while toying with my fingers since I was now holding his hand.

"I don't know..." He says.

I study his face for a moment, how he'd barely met my eyes for more than a second.

"You know you don't have to be embarrassed with me, Daryl. I love you." I tell him, he looks at me before directing his eyes to the wall with a sigh.

"I know, just... I don't know if I was doing it right." He says, my eyebrows knit together.

"You can't exactly read to kids wrong." I stated, he nods chewing on his thumb.

With me remembering what we went through back before I went to California, I sighed.

"You don't mess up all the time you know- And when you do, which is rare, you fix it." I reassure him, he looks at me.

I look into his blue eyes, sighing again, I lean up to kiss his head.

"Come on, read to your kids." I tell him, he shakes his head.

"You need sleep." He tells me.

"Trust me, I'll fall back to sleep. I only woke up cause I wasn't really expecting it." I assured him, reaching into my bag that was next to me as I pull out a flashlight and hand it to him.

"This might make things easier until the sun is out." I tell him, he kisses the top of my head.

"I love you." He tells me.

"I love you, too." I whispered, resting my hand on top of the multiple scars that cover his chest.

I close my eyes and let his voice drag me back to sleep.

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