Chapter 110: Agreement

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(Author/Red: Now we are back in the present!)

Alita's Point of View

"Yeah." The man Ethan stated.

"We had a deal." Gregory stated.

"He said it wasn't enough? Was the drop light?" The other guy speaks up.

"No." Ethan says.

"They still have Craig." The chick informs him.

"They say they'd keep him alive, return him to us, if I delivered a message to you." He says stepping closer to Gregory, as my hand falls to my pistol.

"So, tell me." Once those words leave Gregory's mouth, Ethan grabs his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Ethan says, with that he pulls a knife and drives it into Gregory's stomach.

Maggie and Glenn grabbed Gregory while Rick and Michonne pulls Ethan back.

"Get off of me! I had to!" He screams pushing Michonne off before going to stab Rick.

Rick takes him down and hits him until the other guy pulls him off. Abraham jumped in and takes him down, Rick shoves Ethan back down before he gets to his feet.

The other guys starts to choke Abraham, Daryl is quick to rush over. Grabbing his arm he breaks it and pushes him off, the scream grabs Rick's attention and Ethan takes the chance to get the upper hand.

He pins Rick and puts the knife to his throat, and I stepped closer with my pistol drawn and eyes turning fully silver. 

"Hey." Glenn shouted.

"Stay back! Anybody who tried to stop me is killing my brother!" Ethan states, I could understand where he's coming from, but he's threatening one of my own.

"Drop it." Michonne orders reaching for her sword.

But when he looks at her Rick takes the chance to shove his knife into the guy's throat.

Blood pours out, Rick stands up his face and clothes covered in blood, as everyone stares at him.

"What?" He asks.

"You killed him." The man cradling his broken arm accuses.

"He tried to kill Gregory, than me." Rick defends, the chick runs over and punches Rick. Michonne is quick to send her to the ground.

"Don't." Michonne warns.

"Drop it now!" A guy with a spear demands.

"I don't think I will." Rick says stepping over to him with his gun up.

"Everyone, this is over!" Jesus calls out while getting in between the two men.

"It's over. Ethan was our friend, but let's not pretend he was anything more than a coward who attached us. He did this. And these people stopped him." Jesus (Paul) says calmly.

"What can I do?" Rick asks.

"Put the gun away. You've done enough." Jesus tells him, and Rick does.

With me putting my pistol down and eyes turning back to brown.

"You need to know that things aren't as simple as they might seem. Just give me some time." He says and with that he walks away.

-Time skip-

Soon after a while we are waiting in Gregory's office after the Doc goes to patch him up, the door opens and Jesus walks in.

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