Chapter 78: Reunion

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Alita's Point of View

I ran to the cabin, to see dead walkers around it, and I took of the cloth with the dirt on my face off and threw it away.

A walker lays in front go the door and blocking my path. I grabbed the back of it's shirt and threw it aside, and rushed inside.

"Tyreese?" I said, he turns around and hugs me, I looked over to see the guy dead. I looked over at Tyreese and he looks ashamed.

"He puts his hands on Judith. Ash, Foxy, and I had to do it." He responds, I patted his shoulder.

I saw Ash and Foxy for me to hug Ash and pet Foxy smiling, and then I gently took Judith from Tyreese. She nuzzles her head into my warm arms, I smiled down at her.

Then Tyreese, Ash, and Foxy walked outside with, but before they did so.

We switched items, while she was asking me about my eyes, with me realizing that it was still silver and it turns back to brown.

Ash and I switched stuff, Ash got the bag, and I got some of my crossbow stuff back.

So, I gave her the third knife and pistol I had which was hers, then she went outside with Foxy and Tyreese.

Then, Carol opens the cabin door and motions for me to get out, and I stepped outside and am filled with relief knowing that they are all okay and safe.

No one moves for a bit, they all just look at me in awe, they probably thought I was gone.

"You... You're... Alive? You're good...?" Rick asks.

Daryl runs over to me and practically tackles me, but I had to make sure to keep Judith in my arms as he does.

"She did it." Carol says smiling a bit. Daryl doesn't let go of me, he rests his head on my shoulder. Trying not to cry, and Rick walks over to him.

"Thank you." He says hugging me, and he starts crying. He gently takes Judith from my arms and she gets fussy from the lack of heat.

Then everyone runs to me for a big group hug. Everyone starts crying and hugging me. Then I looked over and see three new people, while I looked at Rick and Daryl confused.

"They're with us now." Rick tells me, and I nodded my head and turned around to face Daryl.

"I thought you were..." He starts, and I chuckled.

"I'm not going anywhere yet, Dixon. This Wolf isn't getting taken down easy." I told him, as he smirks and pulls me in for another hug.

Later when he lets go of my Maggie and Glenn hugged me again and I hugged them, then when we let go of each other, I see Daryl hug Ash.

"I'm glad you're safe, sister." Daryl says and I smiled, Ash was looking at me with wide eyes, and I nodded at her chuckling a bit.

"Y-yeah, you too, brother." She says, Daryl wraps an arm around me, I leaned into him closing my eyes.

"I don't know if the fires still burning." Rick says looking over at the place they came from.

"It is." Carol tells him, and I nodded.

"We need to go." I said to everyone.

"Yeah, but where?" Daryl asks.

"Somewhere far away from there." Rick tells him, and we started on the railroad tracks.

Rick marks out the sign with mud before we started on our way.

This time we headed away from the supposed safe place, the long ordeal we've back together again.

Not only as a group, but as one tough family.

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