Chapter 34: Will you...

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for three chapters. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

(Author/Red: This is the ring Daryl proposes to Alita with

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(Author/Red: This is the ring Daryl proposes to Alita with.)

(Author/Red: These are the rings that Alita and Daryl use for wedding

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(Author/Red: These are the rings that Alita and Daryl use for wedding.)

No One's Point of View

Alita woke up covering her eyes at the little bit of sunlight that hits her, soon waking up yawning a little. 

Soon stretching for a second, standing up she shoves her shoes on, when she turned around her eyebrows frown together she bent down and picked up one of many things that lay on the floor it's a... Leaf? Looking back down to see a bunch of leaves scattered on the floor leading in a direction, she started to follow them. 

A bunch of leaves...? They lead Alita outside where she found Daryl.

"What's up with the leaves?" She asks holding one up confused, as Daryl smiles.

"I couldn't find any fresh flowers." He responded as Alita smiled at him. Daryl gently grabs Alita's hand and lead her over to a table with some food laid out in front of them.

"What is all of this for?" Alita asks looking at Daryl as they sat down.

"I just wanted to make ya breakfast, that's all." Daryl says as Alita nodded not really believing his story, yet as they ate fresh squirrel, she noticed Daryl glancing at her a lot, so she tuned to him.

"Daryl?" Alita says in concern as he looks at her.

"Is there something you want to tell or ask me?" She asks, Daryl swallows the food he was chewing and looks at her a little nervously.

"I-" He said clearing his throat.

"No... But I do need to ask you something..." He says standing up, Alita nodded.

"Okay, shoot." She says and he takes a breath before...


(At the Prison early in the morning that day.)

Daryl wakes up with a plan, he looks over at Alita, who is sleeping peacefully next to him.

He smiles and kisses her forehead before standing up and getting a certain group of people together that he needs to talk to Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, Rick, Carl, and Carol to sit or stand near Hershel's cell yawning as they looked at Daryl waiting for him to tell them why they were here early in the morning.

"What is it?" Carl asks tiredly of sitting there, as Daryl turns to them.

"I need to ask y'all somethin..." He says as the group looks at each other in confusion.

"Then ask away." Rick tells him.

"Since y'all are the closet to Alita's family. I would like y'all's permission... To marry her." Daryl says looking at each of them. The reactions from the women to the men are very different, while the girls squeal and cheer to each other, the men or young boy looked at each other.

"When are you going to ask her?" Carl asks.

"I don't know, I want to today. That's why I'm asking permission. Especially from Hershel since he is the closest thing to a father to her." Daryl replies looking at them.

"Are you not gonna ask if we say no?" Glenn asks with an eyebrow raised, Daryl looks at him.

"I was gonna ask either way, thought this would be the first step to do it right." Daryl answered receiving a nod from Glenn at his words.

"Do you really love her?" Hershel asks him.

"More than I can say." Daryl tells him honestly.

"You promise not to hurt her?" Carl asks, Daryl nods at the kid.

"Yes." Daryl promised the kid.

"Will you protect her? Even if it mean you get hurt or die yourself?" Glenn asks, while looking at him, since Alita was like a sister to him.

"I would die for her even without thinking about it." Daryl tells all of them. Rick looks at all of the men as they nod at him and walks up to Daryl.

"Okay. You got our permission. But if anything happens to her, you're gonna have to deal with us. Mostly a lot from Hershel." Rick tells him.

Daryl nods, Rick smiles and pats Daryl's shoulder as they started helping him plan how to ask Alita. Yet Maggie and Beth had told Daryl about the rings that Alita had looked at before on a run into town with Maggie. 

Then Daryl makes a run into a close town to find the ring that Maggie was talking about, when he finds it he speeds back to the prison and gets the food ready he cusses that he couldn't find any flowers.

Well, Alita's favorite flowers and decides that the leaves will do just fine, he sits down and starts to go over what to say when ever Alita comes out or wait for the right moment in the future.

*Flashback ends.*

Daryl takes a breath and stands up cleaning his throat, as he sticks a hand in one of his pockets.

"Alita, since the first time I've met ya back then I thought ya were the most breath taking thing on this earth. And since the farm we've gotten closer just like we did back then... Ever since then we have gotten closer..." Daryl started while thinking of what else to say, he wasn't good when it comes to words.

"Alita... I love you so much... And I want to spend the rest of my life with ya even if it's just for a day. So Alita Cullen, will you do me the greatest honor, and... Marry me...?" He asks getting on one knee pulling out a ring.

Alita's Point of View

My breath gets caught in my throat and tears come to my eyes, I look at him with tears in my eyes and I nodded smiling.

"Yes!" I said laughing, he smiles and slides the ring onto my finger, I hugged him, kissing his cheek as many times as I could, he laughs and catches my lips with his.

"She said yes!" I heard as I jumped and looked over at Carl, hearing cheering. 

I see the rest of the group standing farther back hugging each other, I rolled my eyes hugging Daryl again. Soon we stood in front of Hershel's bed in his cell holding hands, as Hershel speaks, I can't keep the smile off of my face, Daryl smiles ear to ear as he looks into my eyes, after putting the ring on Daryl, I hold my breath.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Before Hershel can get the words out Daryl kisses me, I kiss back, pulling away, later we got hugged by our group as they tell us, 'congratulations.' After that we got on with our day by putting our vehicles by the inside fence.

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