Chapter 114: I'm Sorry

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita wears for this chapter. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The next day, I sat on the steps holding the ultrasound photo, I did it for my baby, for my family...

I did the right thing, I've never had such a hard time with killing people, but it felt wrong. Maybe it was from killing them in their sleep, or the fear of retaliation from...


Later I slip the photo in my shirt pocket, running a hand through my hair I took a deep breath.

I paced the porch today, I looked up when Daryl comes up the steps.

"I'm goin' on a run." Daryl informs me.

"I'll come with." I mumbled going to get my stuff.

"No." I heard Daryl say, my hand froze just before I gripped the door knob.

He's told me no before, not to go on runs, but the edge in his voice was different.

"What do you mean no? I can help—" I started.

LI got Rosita and Denise with me, we ain't gotta enough room anyways." He said, I turned to him, my eyebrows knitting together.

"Why?" I asked lowly trying to keep from snapping at him.

"You need to rest, for the baby." He stated, I run my tongue over my teeth before looking at him.

"Daryl, if you use me being pregnant one more time to try and keep me from doing something, I'm gonna—" I started.

"You haven't been right." He cuts me off, I tilt my head a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Since we killed those Saviors, you haven't been right." He said, and I scoffed.

"I'm fine." I said, sighing.

"You've been sitting on them steps or with some others for days, just staring off. Or barely talkin'." He told me.

"Well, I'm sorry, Daryl. Next time I kill people in their sleep, I'll try and be more cheery for you." I hissed opening the door.

"That's not what I'm saying—" Daryl started.

"Then what are you saying, Daryl?! That now I'm pregnant and you don't think I can handle my ****?" I snapped whirling around on him.

"No—" Daryl started.

"What? You trust Rosita out there more than me?" I asked.

"Alita, let me talk—" Daryl started once again.

"That just because I couldn't bounce back from killing those men that I'm not strong enough to protect you or— Or our family anymore?" I asked, sighing.

"******** it, shut up!" He hollers, and I jumped a little, he runs a hand over his face.

"I don't want to lose you, or the baby. I want to protect you." He said to me.

"And I want to protect you. And I can't do that if you leave on your own." I muttered.

"I'm goin' on that run, and you're staying here. We'll be back before it gets dark." He said.

With that he walks away, turning around I head inside slamming the door shut behind me. Soon I sighed and punched he sofa.

"Are you okay?" Carl asks walking over.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just needed to..." I started.

"Just wanted to take your anger out on something?" He said and I nodded smirking a bit.

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