Chapter 123: Big Reunion

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(Author/Red: Happy New Year Everybody!)

Alita's Point of View

It was morning by the time we see the gates of Hilltop, I don't know how long we've been walking.

But seeing the gates closing we started to run down the dirt road leading to it.

"Wait! Wait, please!" I called out, getting my mask and goggles off.

They held open the gates just enough for us to walk through. Looking up I see a group of amazing people that I've missed.

My lips trembled instantly, but my eyes land on the two that's hugging.

Daryl pulls away and hands Rick his gun. I slowly walk up to them worried that it was all just a dream and I might wake up back in the **** room to Dwight knocking on the door.

Then I get knocked back a little by someone slamming into me, looking at who hugged me, I see Carl.

I hugged the kid since the last time I did, it was different.

This time...

I'm free and don't have to ask permission from anyone.

"Alita?" I looked over at Maggie, everyone else's eyes darted over to me.

I took a ragged breath as I smiled at them, fresh tears fall down as new one fell down mine.

"Oh, ***!" I choked out letting Carl go.

The next to grab me was Ash and Nate, I squeezed them tight.

I looked at Michonne as she touches my shoulder, I smiled widely at her.

I wanted to hug them all, but the next person who grabs me is Rick, with him spinning me around making me laugh.

"You couldn't wait for me, could you Officer Friendly?" I asked chuckling pulling away as I pat his back.

He laughs with a bright smile, his eyes shined with tears but I know their of relief and happiness, finally!

"I'll let it slide this time, Wolfie." He said as we shared another laugh.

But my eyes land on the person behind him, my knees almost gave out but Rick steadies me before moving out of the way with a warm smile.

It feels like the first time in years that I've seen him-

Been near him without anymore getting in the way or pulling me back, tears through me as I see his chin trembling.

I held my arms open...

"Come here, baby." I cried.

He wasted no time in rushing over to me.

He hits me like a tone of bricks and we go to the ground, he cushions the landing the best he can but I didn't care, he's in my arms.

He holds me tight and I savor the feeling, even if it's hard to breathe.

I dig my fingers into his back as he weeps into my neck, he shakes softly in my embrace, as we kissed.

"We're okay... We're out... You're okay." I cried squeezing my eyes shut.

He pulls away and slams his lips into mine. Daryl's never the one for show and it proves just how much he missed me, and I missed him.

I kissed him back again not wanting this moment to end.

Pulling away, he pulls me to my feet but he stays on his knees.

I looked at him confused and concerned that he hurt himself when he fell but he reaches into his pocket and pull out something.

I gasped to see our rings, he slides mine on mu shaking finger, taking his I place it back on.

I held him as he shoves his head into my stomach, his arms holding me still.

He presses a kiss on my stomach and sniffles.

"You're daddy's here now." He whispers gruffly.

I pull him up and hug him again.

I rest my head against his chest listening to his heart beating, he kisses the top of my head.

"I've never leavin' you again. Not ever." He mumbles.

"You better not, Dixon." I told him, meeting his eyes, he cups my cheek gently.

"How'd you get here?" Maggie asked, and I looked at her and pull her close.

"Let's just say that I may have some people, who may have helped my with a certain plan. How do you think all of us got out rather easily." I told everyone.

Yet I could tell that they were confused on why there are new people her.

I left Maggie and Daryl's side and went over to the group that I came here with.

"Alita, Evelyn, Mika, Amy, Mark, and Ethan. I had their help and we may know another group that may help us against the Saviors." I told them, as they took off their hoods, showing their faces.

"They helped me with a plan to get out. They never agreed with Negan, they were apart of Ash, Nate, and I's first group that got captured and held against their will." I told them.

They nodded, and Rick and everyone let them in with open arms.

"Of course you'll make sure that you find someone or something." Maggie tells me and I nodded at her remembering the time with Merle and Ash at the prison.

"They baby's fine." She informed me.

I nodded, next I was hugging Enid, Sasha, Rosita, Tara, and Paul.

****, haven't felt this good in a long time, and I didn't want it to end, but there was work to do.

I looked at Rick as he looks over at all of us, turning around he starts to walk away.

Daryl grabs my hand and we follow behind him ready to follow his lead and take back our lives from the Saviors and their leader.

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