Chapter 36: No! Rick & Carl need you!

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Alita's Point of View

"Beth, get Hershel to that gate!" I shouted pointing towards the wire gate like door behind them and she nodded before I turned my attention back to Lori and Carl, trying to think of a way out of this, there were too many walkers for us to fight off on my own.

"Lori! Carl! Alita! Come on, this way!" Maggie suddenly shouted, running towards the door that lead to our cell block. I quickly grabbed Lori's hand as the two of us rushed towards the door, following behind Carl as Maggie shut the door behind us.

"****." I muttered spotting walkers inside the cell block as Maggie quickly lead us through a different door.

I fired my crossbow at one of the walkers getting too close before I ran after the others through the dark halls. A few minutes later the prison sirens began ringing through the speakers, but I didn't have time to figure out how they got turned on because Lori's baby was coming.

'Could anything more go wrong right now?!' I thought.

"In here!" Carl shouted, opening up some random door, but I wasn't going to question it, walkers were coming down the hallway, we needed to get Lori away from them. 

I quickly scanned the room with Carl making sure it was safe and secure as Maggie helped Lori slowly down the steps. She couldn't have the baby, she needs Hershel.

"We have to get back to our cell block to have Hershel help." Carl suddenly said as the two of us walked back over to the women by the wall.

"We can't risk getting caught out there." Lori replied through gritted teeth, clearly in a lot of pain, nut there was nothing I could do about that. I had painkillers, but there were back in the cell block too.

"You're gonna need to give birth to this baby here." Maggie informed, looking over at me and I nodded walking over to the women.

"Let's get your pants off and lay you down. It's gonna be alright." I said calmly, helping Lori down to the ground.

"You're gonna need to help deliver your brother or sister. You up for it?" Maggie asked looking up at Carl and he nodded.

"Alright, let me see if its dilated." Maggie says.

"Do you know how?" Carl asked and Maggie nodded.

"Dad taught me, but trust me, it's my first time." Maggie replied and I felt myself relax slightly knowing Maggie knew what to do. The only birth I had ever helped with was a c-section before in my old group before the farm and it didn't end well.

 (Author/Red: a couple of days into the apocalypse.) 

"I gotta push." Lori gasped, trying to stand up and Maggie and I quickly helped her as she grabbed onto the wall for support.

"You're doing great Lori, keep going." I encouraged, not knowing what else to do as I stood besides her in case she lost her balance or something while Maggie crouched down next to her. I stayed like that for a few minutes, feeling utterly helpless when Maggie suddenly shouted.

"Lori, don't push. Somethings wrong!" She said and I looked down at Maggie to find her hand covered in Lori's blood. 

That isn't good. Everything just started happening so quickly, one minute Lori was fine and trying to push, the next she was laying on the ground, her skin ghostly pale and I knew something was horribly wrong.

"Mum? Mum, looking at me. Keep your eyes open." Carl begged sitting next to her as Maggie and I sat on her other side.

"Lori, with all this blood, I don't even think you're fully dilated yet. No amount of pushing is gonna help." Maggie said softly, emotion thick in her voice as I tried to remain calm, trying to think back to what the doctor in my first group taught me.

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