Chapter 41: Torture

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No One's Point of View

The fighting and yelling between Merle and the other guy went on forever until suddenly it just stopped. That was when Alita started to panic, but she heard the guy groan and cough a few times so at least the guy was alive. Later I see Maggie get pushed into the room with her, and the woman in front of her looked at Alita shocked.

'So the man in the other room...? Was that Glenn...?' Alita started to think.

Soon the metal door in the room opened once again as a man walked in and closed the door behind him, as Maggie cut the duck tape that was holding me to the chair. Alita glanced over to Maggie who was staring at the man with scared eyes as she looked back towards the stranger who was behind the chair.

"May I?" The man asked finally breaking the silence and Alita looked over at him realizing he was asking permission to sit down on the chair on the other side of the table.

'What the **** was this guy's plan? He didn't seem like he was going to torture us for information like what Merle tried to do with Glenn.' Alita thought to herself.

"Thank you." He said, sitting down even though neither of the girls said anything. Maggie finally sat down right next to Alita.

"We'll take you back to your people, explain this was all just a misunderstanding. You tell us where they are and we'll drive you there." The man said and Alita rolled her eyes.

'Did he really believe the two of us were that stupid?' Alita thought.

"We want to take to Glenn." Maggie replied and Alita nodded, remaining silent for the time being as she slowly dug her hand into her pocket. 

Alita had to stop herself from smiling when she felt her small pocket knife in her jeans, she always kept that knife in her pocket for emergencies, but she never figured it would come in handy for something like this. Yet her eyes had a tint of silver, but not as much as it glowed when she was fighting Merle.

'How'd this man not find the knife though? My guns and bow were gone, so surely they would have searched for other weapons... Unless Merle left it there on purpose? That was possible.' Alita thought for a minute.

"I can't allow that. Your people are dangerous. Handcuffed my man to a roof, forced him to amputate his own hand." The man informed.

"He wasn't your man back then. He was with another group and they went back for him!" Alita responded, a little louder then she expected, but she couldn't help it. 

'This man was clearly in charge around here which meant he's the one who's controlling Merle, she knew Merle wouldn't do this. He could be an absolute jack ***, yes, but he wouldn't do this.' Alita thought looking at the man in front of her.

"Just tell us where your people are and we'll bring them here. You'll be safe, I promise. Come on Miss Cullen, didn't you use to trust people?" The man said, clearly getting annoyed already, but neither of the girls said anything. Alita didn't trust the man at all, but stayed quiet.

"No? Fine. Let's try something else. Stand up, please." He ordered and Maggie glanced over at Alita, not knowing what to do, but Alita just crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at the man. Alita wasn't his puppet, she wasn't gonna do what he said just because he asked nicely.

"I said stand up." He repeated, his tone getting harsher as he leant towards Alita over the table

"**** you." Alita muttered and after she said it the man was standing in front of her, his knife pressed against her throat.

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