Chapter 45: Finally Escaping and Fighting

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No One's Point of View

"Merle, Alita, come on." Daryl shouted above all the yelling and gunfire as Alita's eyes caught a glimpse of her crossbow and other weapons on the ground amongst all the smoke and she ran for it. 

She heard both Dixons shout her name as she grabbed her weapon off the ground before turning around to find Merle punching another guy holding Daryl's crossbow as Daryl ran up behind him, grabbing his own crossbow that dropped to the ground before grabbing Angel's hand.

"Let's go!" Merle shouted running behind Alita and Daryl as Rick shouted for their attention behind a bin where Alita saw him and Maggie before the three began to run. 

Alita tried to keep up with everyone, but her... Something was hurting her from when Merle and her were fighting and it was getting harder to breath the more she ran. Something that the wolf side of her didn't recover.

"Guys, wait up." Daryl shouted as he slowed down, holding his hand out for Alita noticing her struggling to keep up. She took it, giving him a nod to try to tell him she was okay, but he clearly saw straight through her lie.

"They're all at the arena. This way." Merle's voice shouted as Daryl and Alita caught up to them.

"You're not going anywhere with us." Rick responded and it was probably a good thing that Alita was out of breath because other wise she might have argued with that.

"You really want to do this now?" Merle shot back as he began smashing a hole through the tin fence and within seconds he managed to make a big enough gap for them to escape through.

"Rick, come on. We've got to go." Daryl called, helping Alita through the gap before turning back to help Rick and Maggie.

"A little help would be nice!" Merle yelled and Alita quickly turned away from the others to find Merle bashing a walker's brain on the ground as more walkers wondered towards them from the road.

Alita quickly raised her crossbow taking out the closest walker before she began reloading the next bolt.

"We ain't got time for this. Let's go." Merle shouted turning towards the rest of the group before running off towards the woods and Alita could see how hesitant Maggie and Rick were. 

But she couldn't really blame them, look what Merle did to Glenn. Later they had been walking for nearly an hour by the time the sun began to rise and Alita hoped that the car they had parked along the road was nearby. 

Merle hadn't shut up for more than five minutes, but they all had managed to zone him out for the most part, just focusing on getting away from Woodbury and out of danger.

"Glenn!" Rick shouted softly and Alita looked up spotting the familiar light green car parked in the side of the road as she walked beside Daryl and Merle through the woods behind Rick and Maggie.

"Rick, oh thank God." Glenn's voice suddenly responded, relief evident in his tone when Alita spotted him and the woman with dreadlocks, who she saw briefly back in Woodbury before she disappeared, but clearly she came back.

"Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." Rick quickly said holding his hand out towards Glenn and Alita could pin point the exact moment Glenn and the lady spotted Merle as they both raised their weapons towards the older Dixon. 

Alita quickly took a step the left, standing between Merle and their weapons as Rick and Daryl took a few steps forwards trying to calm the situation.

"What the **** is he doing here?" Glenn shouted, cocking his gun pointing it at Alita, but she didn't take it personally, he was trying to aim at Merle, but she couldn't let that happen.

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