Chapter 7: I Can't Lose you too

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter, hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Also not a huge fan of Shane and Andrea at all.)

No One's Point of View

The day after the next, Alita was helping Carol make scrambled eggs over the fire. Carl and Daryl were better, almost up on their feet and almost back to normal. Andrea had told her about her and Shane being a 'thing' from the day before and Hershel said Nelly had came back on her own. 

Things seemed tense around here, the sound of Andrea sharpening her knife on a slab of wood was the only noise besides the fire crackling. The silence was broken when Glenn stood to speak.

"Uh guys..." He paused while looking at Dale.

"So... The barn's full of walkers." He said as everyone froze and looked at him, even Alita was shocked, she didn't even know about this. 

They all put everything aside and followed Glenn down to the barn. Once Alita, Shane, Rick, and some others reached it, Shane had stepped forwards and looked through the cracks in the wood to confirm that there was, in fact, walkers inside.

Shane came back and started arguing with Rick about what to do, going back and forth between how 'they're a risk', but 'it's Hershel's land so we should do as he wants and not kill them.' Soon Shane looked at Alita angrily.

"Did you know about this?" He asked as Alita looked pissed off knowing full well that she didn't know about this till that day. 

When she was arguing back that she didn't know about the barn full of walkers till that day, she just got back from a long run the day Rick came with Carl, since she was in Macon for a long time. As Shane was going towards Alita, Daryl defended her, with her eyes turning completely silver.

So Shane decided to back off of her as Daryl smirked at her for a bit, already knowing full well that she was a hybrid. Then the argument ended when the front doors began getting violently rattled back and forth, walkers fingers seeping through the cracks.

They settled on the matter and decided to let the walkers be for now, so everyone headed back up to the house. Now Alita's eyes were back to their normal color, brown, as Daryl was walking with her. 

-Time skip-

Not to long later, Daryl got bored. Alita could tell because he was lying in the tent, he shared with her, poking holes in the window with an arrow.

"Hey, cut the **** out." Alita says, stepping into the tent.

"I don't want bugs in here tonight." She says grabbing some of her arrows.

"Sorry, I'm bored." Daryl apologized as Alita laughed and took the arrow from him.

"Yeah, I can tell. Hey, how' about we go down to the stable, see the horses?" Alita asked as Daryl thought for a moment before getting up.

"Sure, why not?" Daryl says, as Alita grabbed his hand to help him stand and led him down to the stale. Once they got there, Alita walked up to a pen and reached her hand through the bars. She hasn't been in here since Shawn was here...

The cinnamon colored horse stepped forwards and sniffed her hand before placing it's face in her palm. She smiled widely and pet it softly, she was happy that the horse trusted her even after she was a hybrid. Soon Alita hears Daryl grunt a few feet away and turned to see him picking up a saddle and putting it on it's stand.

"Daryl, don't strain yourself, you're going to get hurt even more." Alita said walking over to Daryl.

"I'm fine." He told her.

"Yea, well Hershel said you need to heal." Alita said looking at Daryl with a blank expression.

"Yea, I don't care." He said, mocking her. She crossed her arms and watched him grab a halter.

"Well, I do." Alita says as Daryl opens the door to Nelly's pen.

"Rick's goin' out later to follow the trail. I might go with him." Alita says to him.

"Yea, me too. I'm not gonna sit around here all day on my *** bein' lazy." Daryl responded to her.

"No, you're gonna go out there and get hurt even worse." Alita says as he didn't respond and continued putting the halter on Nelly's head.

"If you go out there, and get hurt again, I have a feeling you're gonna come back with more than just a few bruises, if you even come back at all." Alita says with a little nervousness and concern.

"You sayin' you think I'll die out there?" Daryl asked, turning to Alita.

"Yea, Daryl, I am. I don't want to have to lose another person. First, everyone in my group, then Merle, Shawn, Nate, and Foxy... And then you...? Maggie? Beth? Hershel? Rick? Carl? Carol? Everybody? ****, I wouldn't want to even be livin' in this mess without any of you or anybody else in it." Alita says a little teary eyes. Daryl stared at her as a single tear fell down her cheek.

"Don't say that ****." He said stepping forwards and holding Alita's face in his hands. 

He looked into her eyes for a moment then puts a hand on the back of her head and pulled it into his chest now hugging her. He didn't know if she could tell, but he regrets them going their separate ways all that time ago. He should've gone with her... She invited him to move with her... But he didn't go with her...

"Don't..." He says to her, hugging her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

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