Chapter 77: Dancing on my Own

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(Author/Red: Hey guys welcome to Season 5 of AMC's The Walking Dead! This what Alita is wearing from Chapter 77 - 92. Hope You enjoy the Chapters!)

Alita's Point of View

It has been a while since I left the prison... I was walking on a rail road away from the prison later on to see a sign.

'Sanctuary for all, community for all, those who arrive, survive.' It says and I didn't really believe that at all.

Soon I kept walking to see another sign, I looked at it, it was another terminus sign.

I held onto my crossbow and raised it as I walked over to it, but something catches my eyes.

'Glenn go to terminus. -Maggie' I read.

'Wait they're alive?!?!' I thought as I checked the map to see where I was, but it was a three day walk from that place.

But I think it's going to be a death trap, with people that I don't trust at all.

So I decided to go after them, hoping I could get to my family before they could get to terminus.

Daryl's Point of View

It has been a couple of days since the fall of the prison, where I lost my family...

Where I lost Rick...

Where I lost my group...

Where I lost Alita...

I was with Beth for a while, but I lost her to some people in a black car with some symbols on it.

Later I ran into a group who were talking about 'claiming' stuff, if it's theirs.

I just hope everyone is alive, and I hoped Alita or Ash was still alive.

Alita's Point of View

I'm never going to stop running. It's been about a day. I kept running down the railroads hoping no walkers get in my way.

My legs sting with each step I took, but I needed to keep going. I soon slowed my pace... I just hope I can get to them soon...

But in reality I just hoped everyone was still alive, as far as I know it was just Maggie, but I'm not sure about everyone else...

I just hoped Rick, Ash, Michonne, Carl, and everyone else is alive, even Daryl... So I kept running even with Wolf powers to back me up.

Soon I started hearing... People...? I got down on my knees as I started to use wolf senses once again like I did whenever hunting.

"So, when we get back, we are gutting those new blood when we get back?" One of the people asked.

"Yep, gutting those people like cattle. They'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter. What are they going to do when there's blood in the water?" The other one said, and that's all I heard.

'Who are they talking about? Maggie? Glenn? Who?!?!'

-Time skip-

I came up to a turn on the railroad and there are two walkers there.

I ran tight through them, I was on full speed running. As I past them, I got grabbed.

"Woah! Calm down." One said. I turned towards them to see Tyreese.

"Alita?" He asks in shock, and then I looked at the other one to see Carol as well.

They both tackled me in a hug as Carol was holding onto Judith, and I hugged both of them back and still cooing at little Judith.

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