Chapter 148: Problems

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for a while in the chapter and the other picture is what Alita wears later on. Hope you guys enjoy the Chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The Saviors had escaped during the walker attack last night.

The ones that had stayed kept the walkers outside the fates from coming in, now we had a pile of Saviors on the loose and a kid missing.

Henry must've fled after opening the gate.

But now we had to deal with this before we could even take a breath after the fight with the Saviors.

So, while others were working or around Hilltop.

I stood with the cows, checking over them to make sure they weren't injured after the fire fight.

"They're okay." I hear Ash say behind me as I turned to her.

"Yep, poor **** things were scared out of their minds though." I said patting the cow on the shoulder.

"No, I mean- Alita, Evelyn, Ethan, Jack, and Gab. They're okay, didn't get shot or bit." She tells me.

"That's good. How are they after- You know." I tell her, she nods.

"Nate is with them right now. They need more time since they knew the three more then we did." She tells me as I agreed with her, as I nodded my head.

"Alita!" We hear someone call me. We looked over as I nodded at Jerry.

"Daryl's looking for you, dude." He tells me.

"Alright- Thank you, Jerry." I said as I waved at him. He gives me a smile and eaves before walking away.

"I'll see you in a bit Ash, alright?" I asked her and she nods at me.

-Time skip-

"And our ammo?" Maggie asks Daryl and I walked into her office.

"About what we thought. Not enough to fend off another attack of that size." Dianne informs her.

"Well, maybe we don't gotta worry about that no more. At least for now. Maybe going hand-to-hand's our only option." Daryl says holding up his knife for emphasis.

"You think they're low on ammo?" Rosita questions.

"Well, that must've gone through a while bunch of it getting through them walkers at the Sanctuary." I added.

"And there's not a lot of places to find more." Dianne points out, as she looks between us.

"Mierda. They have our bullet maker. They can make more." Rosita mumbles.

"You think the Saviors have what he'd need to make them?" Maggie asks.

"If they don't I know where they'd find it." Rosita states.

-Time skip-

After talking with Gab, Jack, Ethan, Nate, and Ash, I was worried. Really worried.

I don't know how we'd bounce back from this. Yet we discussed about who would be taking Alita since her parents are no longer with us.

Ash and Nate decided that they would take in Alita, since Ethan has Evelyn, while Jack and Gab would have kids on their own soon if they wanted.

I sighed as I look at Ash and Nate, now smiling seeing they kind of have a start of a family of there own, now all they want to do is get married after this is all over.

"Worried?" I hear someone ask me.

I looked to see Daryl sit next to me, as I shook my head.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked me, as I sighed looking down.

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