Chapter 96: Party

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing in this chapter except she is wearing black flats and no bag. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Merry Christmas everybody! 🎄🎄)

Alita's Point of View

When I came out of the restroom with my hair cleaned and down, I see Maggie and Ash in a similar thing to me.

But they didn't have the necklace like I did, but they had a bracelet on that was similar to my necklace.

Well the clothes that we got, well since Maggie and Ash knows me when it comes to dresses, so we decided that I should go with what a character wore.

Then I looked in the mirror to myself, I was surprised as it was an actual dress, that I wore as Isabella in Avengers or Arianna in Supernatural at one point...

"Okay, on a scale from 1 to 10 how stupid do I look...?" I asked Maggie and Ash kind of shocked at what I was wearing one.

They looked at me like I looked like the character I loved playing on the movies or show that I was on.

But I looked surprised for a bit as the three of us were wearing, since we haven't been in dresses in who knows how long.

"You look amazing there 'Isabella' I think Daryl or should I say, 'Bucky', will be all over you. But before we leave..." Maggie said teasing me, and Ash nodded.

Then I teased about them with Nate or Glenn like how I did back at the prison or earlier, and then the three of us laughed.

After a while of laughing, Maggie grabbed my ring that I had, and gave it to me and I nodded at them, then she nodded back at me.

Once the three of us were done getting ready, we went to throw on our flats to see Daryl still on the porch where I left him, but with Glenn and Nate by his side. I sighed while Maggie and Ash patted my back, then we went outside.

The three of them turned around, to see Ash, Maggie and I in the outfits.

When Maggie walked over to Glenn, and Ash walked over to Nate, we all could see that Daryl was quiet.

All of us unsure of how he is reacting, I looked at Maggie and Ash for help, then we could hear him start talking.

"You look great. I never thought you looked amazing in a dress. I've seen pictures, but I didn't think you'll look this amazing." He says placing his forehead against mine.

I smiled a little, then I hear Ash, Nate, Maggie and Glenn chuckle probably happy for the two of us.

Later on we reached the house it's completely dark out, Ash, Nate, Glenn and Maggie already went inside, as I look to my side at Daryl.

"You sure there's nothing I can do to make you come with me? Even if I'm singing or not?" I asked, he nods lighting a cigarette, I sighed.

"Fine, I'll just suffer alone or... Will die in there nervously." I tried to guilt trip him.

"You're the one who said ya come and some of them are expecting ya." He grumbles, well that didn't work, as I rolled my eyes.

"Love you, too, Buck." I mummer sarcastically, he blows some smoke in my face as he leans down to kiss me. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"That's not fair." I whined, he gives me a little grinned before popping my thigh.

"Now go on, quicker ya go in and sing the quicker we can leave." He says.

I nodded before heading to the door. I took one last deep breath before opening the door, the room is packed with unfamiliar faces.

I see my group spread through the room, but it's mostly these other people.

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