Chapter 15: What is your chose? His fate?

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(Author/Red: At the moment Alita is close to these people - Daryl, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Patricia, Jimmy, Rick, Carl, Carol, and T-Dog. Also this is what Alita was wearing in this chapter.)

No One's Point of View

A day or two later, Rick and Shane returned from what they said was trying to find a place to leave Randall. They didn't want him to find the farm after he reconnected with his group.

So they threw him in the truck of Shane's car and drove whatever distance they thought fitted. So, once they came back, Alita was confused as to why they still had Randall. Rick had put him in a shed not too far from the house, so they could try and get answers from him.

Alita stood around the fire with most of Rick's group, while Daryl was with Randall. Talking about what they would do with the injured boy; as Hershel noticed and was really worried about her since she was around Rick's group more than he would like. 

When Rick told Alita that she'd know the plan soon enough, she turned around to see Daryl approaching fists bloody.

'Oh boy.' Alita thought to herself when she saw Daryl.

"Boy says there's got a gang. 30 men." Daryl said, walking up next to Alita.

"They have heavy artillery and they ain't lookin' to make friends. They roll through here, we're all dead." Daryl finished as Alita might know where this was heading. 

Soon the group continued the conversation and Rick decided that Randall was a threat, and a threat he'd eliminate. Rick walked away and Dale followed nervously.

Alita would do the same as Dale if it were her group at the start going in this direction. Soon the group stood silently for a moment, so Alita nudged Daryl and started heading to their spot. 

Once Alita got up there, she wanted something to do so she found a few nearby sticky sands and threw them into the fire pit.

"You gonna make a fire?" Daryl asked, resting his crossbow in a tree.

"Yup." Alita responded, turning to get some sticks. 

Daryl pitched in and began to try lightning the fire, while she went back and forth collecting sticks. Not long after, they almost had a spark going when Alita saw Dale approaching. She scoffed a bit and nudged Daryl.

"Dale, y'know the whole point of us comin' here is to get away from you people." Alita said sighing a bit.

"Well, it's gonna take more than that." He responded back to Alita.

"Also, Maggie, Beth, and Hershel is worried about you Alita, so is the rest of the Greene group, since they haven't seen you like this since you've heard about Shawn." Dale says shifting the rifle he had with him.

Daryl kept attempting to light the fire, while Alita sighs a bit looking at her crossbow, trying not to think about what happened to Shawn.

"Carol sent ya as well?" Daryl asked Dale still looking at the fire pit.

"Carol's not the only one that's concerned about the both of you, you new roles in the group." Dale informed Daryl.

"Old man, I don't need my head shrunk." Daryl says getting up.

"Neither does she." Daryl said motioning to Alita, standing a few feet away now.

"This group is broken. Me and her, we're better off fending off for ourselves." Daryl said, sighing.

"You act like you don't give a ****, when you clearly gave so much, they're visible from space!" Dale said, trying to get Daryl to listen. Alita sighed at his comment to herself, thinking that Shawn would probably say the same to her.

"Yea, cuz I don't." Daryl said taking his angel winged leather jacket off the side of the fire pit and put it on.

"So live or die, you don't care what happens to Randall?" Dale asks Daryl.

"Nope." Daryl responds to the man.

"Then why not stand with me, try to save the kid's life, if it really doesn't matter one way or the other?" Dale asks Alita and Daryl. Soon Alita looks up at Dale motioning him to follow her to somewhere else, she clearly thought about things.

"I agree with you on saving the kid." Alita says later to see Dale smiling a bit, while sighing a bit as well.

"You do?" Dale asks her surprised at her response on saving Randall.

"Yeah, I do, Dale... I was against it for a bit, but I think you're right." She responds to his question on saving the kid.

"But I can't really say the same for everyone, especially Hershel, and the rest of his family though..." Alita says putting her hands in her pockets and sighing.

"I'll help you the best way I can to save him... Well, all in all,  really do agree with you. But you know Daryl's right though... On this group being broken... I think he's right about that." Alita says looking at Dale with a nod.

"Why are you saying that?" Dale asks me as I sighed remembering Shawn.

"Cause an old friend would say the same to me if he was alive now. And- I know he would be right too." I answered and Dale saw how I looked.

-Time skip.-

When the sun was setting both Rick's group, and the Greenes were inside the farmhouse, deciding Randall's fate. The entire group was thinking of killing Randall, except for Dale, Glenn, and Alita.

Well, up until Glenn chickened out now deciding to agree on killing Randall. Once the group has stopped talking or arguing. Dale started walking towards Alita, and Daryl.

"You two were right... This group is broken." Dale says to the two before leaving the farmhouse.

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