Chapter 120: Ash & Nate in Alexandria

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(Author/Red: This is what I imagine that Ash and Nate felt during the time Alita and Daryl were taken. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

No One's Point of View

A whimper left the dogs laying on the floor, Ash and Nate looked over from where they stood in the kitchen.

It's been a while since their cousin or friend was kidnapped along with her husband, and the dogs were feeling the emptiness that creeped in without her presence.

Goliath sat on the couch with Sam most of the day, while the two were sad and confused as to where she was Foxy was taking it a lot harder.

He only ate when Ash or Nate was able to force him to, and he only drank when once again Nate or Ash brought him a bowl of water.

Other than that he laid in front of the door whining, he had lost weight and barley got up.

Most days Nate and Ash would pick him up and take him out to use the restroom but he would only lay down and stare out at the gate waiting.

**** Nate and Ash sat on the porch waiting for her to walk through sometimes. How couldn't they?

This was their tough as nails cousin or friend, the one who never let the world or the people break her.

If anyone could escape Negan's hold she could. That's what they hoped for, but they knew the odds were against her.

They knew she wouldn't simple for the fact that it would put the people she cared and loved in danger.

Rick would sit with them some days, Nate and Ash would listen to his stories, and about the first time he had met their stubborn friend/cousin.

Nate and Ash knew they had met at Hershel's farm, but Rick told them details of it, nothing vague, and Rick admitted that he felt the emptiness without her.

Alita had always been the not to back their play, and if she didn't agree sometimes she would voice her side, or she would support them.

Rick timidly told the two that he thought of her as a sister, truly in his heart.

He was worried it would upset the two, but they just smiled saying that she was that way as well when it came to them.

If they're worthy of it, all three of them had smiled with misty eyes.

Rick also recounted to them about when they first got to the farm, how she helped in any way she could to help Carl.

She was willing to give some of her blood when she didn't have to. In which Nate and Ash told Rick that she could never let anything happen to a kid, it wasn't in her DNA, Rick agreed with the two.

Rick would apologize every conversation they had, on how he didn't keep her and Daryl from being taken by the Saviors.

How Alita had always put her faith in him, like how Hershel had and said.

When she needed him he just sat back and let her go along with her husband.

How he let Glenn and Abraham be murdered cause of his bad decisions.

Now that pissed off Nate and Ash, and they didn't shy away from telling Rick that he was stupid for thinking that.

That if Alita could hear him she'd hit him over the head, that she wouldn't blame him and she knew that was nothing that could've been done.

That everyone knew he couldn't have down anything to stop it.

Even if they hadn't attacked first then Negan still would have found the and they would of fought and probably would of had the same outcome, or one much worse.

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