Chapter 119: Wives?!?!

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Alita's Point of View

"Meet my wives." Negan says.

"You have a whore house." I muttered before I could stop myself, he looked at me.

"Let's not start this on the wrong foot, I can't have you upsetting the others." Negan says, I rolled my eyes.

They didn't look upset, they looked like walkers to be honest, there was nothing behind their eyes, no emotion.

"I'll introduce you to the nicer one first— Uh, Sherry, c'mere." Negan says.

I watched as a thin woman stepped out from the back of the room, my eyes harden.

"You *****—" I said lunging for her but Simon held me back.

"You." She whispered looking at me in surprise.

"I should have killed you and your husband." I hissed out, her mouth hangs open, Negan steps in front of her.

"Alright, maybe someone else." Negan says.

Sherry steps away as Negan looks over the room, but my eyes stayed glued to the woman.

"Amy, Mika, how about you two?" Negan says turning to me.

"They're nicer than Sherry to be honest. Never had a problem with them." Negan tells me.

"Wow, I don't care." I snapped, he smiles at me while licking his lip.

"Yeah, Negan." A voice sounds from behind him.

From what I can see the two women is wearing floral dresses.

It stops just above their knees and unlike the other women they wore a pair of flats like me.

"I'd like to introduce you to my new wife." Negan says moving out of the way and all the air in my lungs disappears—

I loosened up in Simon's grip, but he doesn't let me go, their eyes found mine and they gasped.

"Amy? Mika?" I asked my chest heaving a little.

The shock of this moment has sent me reeling, I felt like I'm gonna faint at any second.

"Alita?" Amy and Mika asked in shock at sink as well. Then Negan looks between us.

"I see you three know each other." He says as goes ignored as we just stared at each other.

"Y-You're one of his wives?" I asked as a tear fell down my cheek.

I looked up to them like a big sister, and I looked up to Mark and Ethan as a big brother.

'Wait, if Amy and Mika are here... Does that mean Mark is here? Yet I know that Ethan was already here.' I thought to myself.

"Alita—" Mika starts.

"I thought you two were different... I thought you two had more of a brain than to be with him." I said to her.

"He cares for us." Mika says with a tear about to fall, I laughed loudly.

"He has a whore house, how could he possibly care about you? This is what you do after we got separated? You go and marry him? I looked up to you two as well as Mark, Ethan, and you two do this to them?" I asked her.

"Hey!" Negan snaps, but I ignored him.

"Alita, you weren't there." Amy tells me.

"I don't care what you had to do, I'm pissed at what you did after that. Do you know what he is? What he does?"I stated to her.

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