Chapter 18: Alita Explains

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No One's Point of View

"Who's Ash, Foxy, and Nate? Were they people you were looking for?  You've said those names a few time in your sleep." Daryl suddenly asked.

Alita closed her eyes as the memories of them flowed through her  mind. Soon she opened her eyes again, and she starts to explain how,  her, and Nate were doing tour stuff, as her cousin Ash was with them,  watching her dog for her.

Alita's Point of View

"When the apocalypse started the  three of us got my dog, and everyone we knew to later set up a camp  in my hometown in Florida, which was my first group, my dad, Samuel,  was leading the group, it contained everyone the three of us knew,  loved, and cared for. 

But once the news was saying it was saying that  zombies or walkers were up and walking, now stating that it wasn't doing well, a lot of us  got off the tour bus to see people screaming, and running down the  streets being chased by walkers. We had a few extra minutes to get out  of the place. Which is what we did...

A few days after the  apocalypse started, when we had a camp in Ash and I's hometown, her, Ash,  and Nate were on a hunt with Foxy by my side. Once we got supplies  with some more weapons or camping gear and packed it all into Nate's  truck from a nearby shop. 

So, when we got back to their camp, a lot of walkers over ran it... Later we tried to... When we got back, there were some people who had taken it over... Later escaping or trying to save as many people as we could, yet... We heard gunshots... Some of our people left and I was hoping that everyone else that I knew were okay...

Until I left the camp heading to Hershel's farm, now seeing them again, you guys coming here... A couple of months later..." I explained with my head still resting on Daryl's shoulder.

No One's Point of View

As he later reached for her hand, holding it in his lap.

"Your group would have known you did everything you could do to help them survive in this world." Daryl replied as he rubbed his thumb in soft, soothing circles over Alita's hand and she smiled though her teary eyes.

"And Merle would have know you did everything you could try to get him back, even though he wasn't there when you got back to Atlanta." Alita said softly remembering Daryl telling her about what happens to Merle and what happened in Atlanta. Daryl scoffed, shaking his head.

"We're more alike, like how I remembered." He mumbled and Alita chuckled slightly, but nodded in agreement before going silent for a few minutes.

"What are we Daryl...?" Alita suddenly asked lifting her head off his shoulder to look at him properly, but she didn't release her hand from Daryl's.

"What do ya want us to be?" He asked his voice a little tense, not knowing what she was going to say. 

Alita took a deep breath hoping like **** that she doesn't ruin her friendship with him by saying what she's about to say, as well as vice versa.

"Daryl... I like you... More than a friend and if you don't feel the same way, I completely understand and I'm sorry for bringing it up, but-" Alita quickly said before Daryl cupped her cheek turning Alita towards him as his lips hit hers.

"I like ya too. For a long time." He whispered in a husky voice as he rested his forehead against hers.

"Ya sure you want this though?" Daryl asked.

"I wouldn't rather anything else..." Alita replied unable to stop the smile forming on her face as Daryl brushed his fingers through Alita's hair.

"The group is gonna flip when they find out. Although, I think Carl and some of the others were getting a bit suspicious about us." Alita  says scoffing.

"Who cares how they react, you're my girl now, ain't nothing gonna change that." Daryl said with a small smile.

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