Chapter 128: Going back

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(Author/Red: This is what Alita is wearing for this chapter and next chapter. Hope you enjoy the chapters.)

Alita's Point of View

The next few days were...

Not well...

Daryl and I were arguing more then we have in the past...


More then we liked...

This morning with the sun just coming up through the window as I laid in bed, facing the wall.

Daryl was on the floor all the way across the room, he was like that when I was finally able to get some sleep after countless nightmares the past few days.

When he manages to get some sleep, I didn't wake him up whenever I woke up from a nightmare or some dream from the last couple of days.

So; I went on small walks or hunts if I was in wolf form.

On one walk one day from a nightmare, I heard someone...

"I'm sorry." I heard him say from a distance.

I bite my lip as I saw Daryl leave through the gates.

I looked concerned, worried, and saddened...

"Hilltop. He's going to Hilltop." I heard Mark tell me.

I looked at him, and nodded still worried, concerned, and saddened, yet knowing he needs his space like at the prison after Merle's death. And at the moment...

So did I.

-Time skip-

I knew I needed to give Daryl some time, so I gave him two days for some space.

But in the time I stayed at the Kingdom, it wasn't peaceful at all, Benjamin had been killed by a Savior over one missing melon.

I could see it on Morgan's face how hard it was for him, I had tried to talk to him but he didn't want to.

I understood why, he had took the kid in and lost him, probably stirring up painful memories of someone he had lost I'm sure...

Mark, Amy, Alita, Ethan, Mika, Evelyn, Jack, and Gab were somewhere else in the kingdom as I was still sitting at a table near the gates.

Then I looked over when the gates open, they had went back out to deliver the one melon to the Saviors.

Everyone walks back in except Morgan and Richard, Ezekiel sees me and makes his way over, as I stood up.

"Where's Morgan?" I asked, and he sighs.

"He left... After killing Richard." He states, my eyes widen.

"He-he- What?" I asked, kind of shocked.

"Richard had plotted to get himself killed, to try and get me to join your people in fighting the Saviors... But-" Ezekiel tried to say.

"It was the kid instead..." I said, he nods.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." I tell him honestly, he nods and starts to walk away.

"Ezekiel." I called, he turns around and looks back at me.

"Will you join us?" I asked, he stares at me for a moment.

"Yes." He responded with that he walked away, I made my way to my room to gather my stuff, now was the best time to go to Daryl.

As I'm making my way to the gate with Amy, Alita, Mark, Jack, Gab, Mika, Evelyn, and Ethan since they were sending me off, yet in walks in a person I've missed...

"Carol!" I called out.

She looks at me and drops her bag. I took off running, slamming into her with a hug, holding her tightly.

"I missed you." I told her.

"I missed you, too." She tells me.

"Did Daryl tell you...?" I asked her.

"Yeah, twins." She says pulling away and smiles at me.

"Congratulations." She tells me, I shook my head causing her to frown.

"No, no... I mean..." I trailed off.

"I know you wouldn't be here unless... You knew what happened. To Glenn and Abraham." I said, still frowning.

"He didn't tell me... But Morgan did." She tells me.

"I'm sorry, I know you didn't want to fight anymore." I apologized, she gives me a tight lipped smile.

"This is something we have to do." She tells me, I nodded.

"I'll see you later." I told her smiling at her as I backed away.

"Where are you going?" She asks as I made my way towards the gates.

"To get my husband." I called over my shoulder.

-Time skip-

The sun was barely down, but I kept going, turning back wasn't an option cause by now it'd take longer to go back than it would to just keep going towards Hilltop...

I didn't want to turn back, I didn't want to go anywhere else unless I was with Daryl or Daryl was with me.

Even if he's being a bit of a pain, he's my pain and I love him, maybe too much sometimes.

But this time apart has helped me get myself straightened back out, maybe I was expecting too much out of him too soon after getting out.

I would think back at the night to how it felt when I would lay down to sleep in the Sanctuary...

How much I missed him and want him to by at my side with me by his, and I had him back but him being so closed off that it upset me like a bit before.

I was expecting him to want to be as close with me as I wanted to be with him, but Daryl and I aren't the same like I thought before...

I shouldn't have expected that out of him when his time there was far worse than mine. A lot had happened over the short time he'd been gone...

Benjamin being killed, Morgan leaving after killing Richard and Carol showing back up...

The biggest thing was that Ezekiel was ready to fight, and now we just have to prepare for the war at our doorsteps.

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