Chapter 102: Dwight and Sherry

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Alita's Point of View

"You found us, okay? Here we are. We earned what we took." The brunette tells us, before any more words can be said a branch snapped behind us.

Daryl and I turned just in time for a man to knock him out, I go to fire but one of the chick hits me over the head and everything goes dark.

I came in and out of consciousness, I can tell it's night and there's a fire.

I hear voices and see the people sitting around, but I didn't gather much else besides that.

All I can really pick up is they think we were sent by someone to get them...

"Get up." I heard a voice, the person pats my leg.

Opening my eyes I see the person who kicked Daryl out, groggily I turned my head to find Daryl next to me.

"Hey, get up." The guy raises his voice as he pushes Daryl's leg, once everyone's up the guy puts a gun in Daryl's face.

"We're moving. Here's the deal. You don't say **** and I don't kill you." He tells him.

"I ain't who you think." Daryl grumbles, he pulls the hammer back.

"Say something else. Go ahead." He pushes, I sighed in frustration, he points the gun at me.

I gave him a '***** please 'look, he grabs Daryl and pulls him to his feet before doing the same with me.

I really wanted to transform at the moment, but I didn't want Daryl getting hurt.

"Follow them." He orders, Daryl glances at me and gives me a reassuring nod, and I nodded back before we started walking.

"Here, drink the rest." The brunette says handing the other girl a bottle of water.

"We should save it." She points out.

"We'll find some more. Drink. You're supposed to stay hydrated. It all works together." Brunette tells her.

After the chick drinks Brunette offers Daryl and I the little that's left.

"Have it." She says, but we shrugged her off, the guy takes the bottle and holds it up to Daryl.

"We don't need you falling down. Drink." He demands.

Daryl stops walking and takes the bottle. He drinks some before handing me the rest.

"They find us, maybe we give you to them, they let us call it even." I looked over at the man after I finished off the bottle.

"You see, we're reasonable people. Everybody's got their code. You feel you gotta kneel, that's fair enough. We don't." He tells us before taking the bottle from me.

"Let's go." He says as he grabs Daryl by the back of his shirt and pushes him forwards.

I stayed next to him as we trail behind the women.

"I can't believe we're back." The light haired chick says.

"It's not home anymore, but it's better than where we were." Brunette comments.

"This is a pit stop. We pick up Patty, nothing more than that." This guy tells them.

"How'd you do it?" Light hair questions.

"You saw where we left the truck?" The guy asks.

"Mm-hmm." She says.

"We opened the valve and drove all the way in from Farmview Road. Ran from the tree line till we got to the pavement." The guy started.

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