Chapter 94: Officer again

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(Author/Red: These are the clothes that  Alita is wearing for this chapter. Hope you enjoy the chapter.)

(On the right at the start

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(On the right at the start.)

(Author/Red: This is what she wears later on in the chapter

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(Author/Red: This is what she wears later on in the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

Later on the night I stood on the porch with Daryl as he smokes, I leaned closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

He stops his smoking to give me a quick kiss on the head, and I chuckled a little.

"What ya laughin' at?" He asks, and I shook my head a little.

"I thought Carol was gonna have a heart attack when she saw that you showered." I said laughing a little, he just grunts in response.

"Oh, come on, doesn't it feel nice to be clean?" I asked, and he grunts again.

"You don't got anything to say?" I questioned looking up at him, he meets my eyes.

"As long as showers go like that, I'm fine with 'em." He says, and I rolled my eyes lovingly at him.

Then I looked over when Rick steps outside, I gave his uniform a once over, flashbacks of when he came to the farm with Carl in his hands when we first met.

"We good?" He wonders coming over to us.

"Yeah. You a cop again?" Daryl questions, and Rick sighs deeply.

"I'm trying it on for size." Rick responded.

"So, we're staying?" Carol asks coming over to us, and I've wondered the same thing. I then looked at both Rick, and Carol.

"I think we can start sleeping in out own homes. Settle in." Rick tells her.

"If we get comfortable here, we let our guard down— This place is gonna make us weak." Carol points out, and I nodded in agreement.

"Carl said that, but it's not gonna happen." Rick answers, he walks over to the railing and looks out.

"We won't get weak. That's not in us anymore. We'll make it work. And if they can't..." Rick trails off looking at us.

"Then we'll just take this place." He concludes, Daryl nods in agreement.

"Yes, sir." I agreed.

-Time skip-

In my boredom I started practicing martial arts once again with the tree that was in front of our house.

Since it also helps me keep in shape and keeps me going for a bit other than music. I tried to slow down my hits as mush as possible.

When I made contact with the tree, one of my fists had scratches on them from the bark, and I'm pretty sure I cleared the street.

When I stopped I sighed, but I see some of the neighbors come and some talked to me. Some greeted me and then ask where one of the people in my family is.

So, I told them, and they thanked me and they leave.

Later on I see Nate and my old man coming by the house, soon them sees me, drinking from my water bottle on the porch, and then Nate approached me, behind my dad.

"Hey, Maki. I know it has been a while since we last time saw or spoke to each other, yet Nate and I have something for you and Ash." My old man explained to me.

And I nodded at him, then I turned towards Nate to see him with some clothes.

"Nice to see you again dad, and it is really good to see you again Nate." I said to both of them, and Nate looked up at me smiling.

My dad smiled at the two of us, and Nate explains to me about the clothes he thought would be good for at the party they were having.

I don't even know about them, but my dad should know that I'm not a party kind of person.

Then when I saw the clothes, it looks a lot like the clothes like the character, Arianna's clothes.

As well as the necklace and boots that looked like my size with little black circle earrings.

Then my dad explained to him that Maggie said that I was coming with my husband.

After my dad explained that Daryl comes out and checks up on me seeing my hands, so he started cleaning it and wrapping it in bandages.

Nate and my dad were watching us, my friend was smiling widely, as my dad smirked seeing us together.

"Yeah, this is her husband." I heard my friend whisper to my dad and I see my dad nod at him out of the corner of my eyes.

Once Daryl was done wrapping my hands, he nods at my dad, and my friend, then he sees the stuff they had and looked at me with a confused look.

"Maggie, told them I was going to the party, and they decided to bring Ash and I clothes, and stuff for some reason." I told him, and he nodded looking at the two.

Later on we see Maggie coming out with Glenn by her side seeing the clothes and stuff my dad and friend brought, took them and thanking them.

Daryl, Glenn and I looked at her really confused, as I see my dad chuckle and my friend laugh at the actions of my sister figure, and us.

"Okay, we count on you to bring the two Maggie. I'll see you later Alita." Nate says laughing and then waved at me leaving. My dad chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"I'll see you later Maki." My dad says nodding at me then leaves following Nate, with Ash coming out seeing the clothes on my lap.

"Actually before I leave, Daryl." My dad starts as both of them looked at each other.

"I'm actually happy to see that you are treating my daughter well. I know my wife, Margret, would be happy to see her happy and well with you." My dad states and Daryl nods.

"I know she would be happy to finally see young ones running around again soon." My dad says to us.

I looked at him with wide eyes, and Daryl pulls me closer to him. I then hear Maggie, and Glenn laugh at us, and I hear my dad chuckled at our actions.

"Dad, can you just go please." I said hiding my face scooting closer into Daryl, and I hear laughing from the five.

"Okay, okay. Enough teasing Alita for today, I just hope to see you guys at the party later. Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, Alita, Ash, I'll see you later. Have a good day you guys. See you all later." My dad says and leaves.

I looked up to see Maggie, Glenn, and Ash chuckle at me, and I hear Daryl chuckle as well. Then we all get back into the house bringing the stuff they gave us.

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