Chapter 42: Us Vs. Merle

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No One's Point of View

"Maggie. Did he-" Glenn begun to ask, but Maggie cut him off.

"No. He barely touched me. Alita stopped him." Maggie replied, her voice thick with emotion as Alita listened to the two of them talk.

"All this time, running from walkers... You forget what people do, have always done. Look at what they did to you." Maggie stated looking at Glenn.

"Doesn't matter. As long as he didn't-" Glenn tried to respond.

"No, not to me." Maggie replied, basically whispering the last part, but Alita heard it and she felt Glenn's eyes suddenly on her, but she didn't life her head from the top of her knees. 

She didn't wasn't to see the look of pity or sadness or anything on his face. She just needed to think of a way out of there, but she suddenly shook for a bit now reliving some memories from when Omer... 

But she suddenly got a hug from someone, and Alita opened her eyes to she Maggie trying to hug her and Alita hugged back. Once they let go of each other Alita gave Maggie a small nod, and Maggie nodded back at her.

"Hey." Glenn said after a few minutes of silence and Alita turned her head to find him walking towards the dead walker on the ground that Merle must have used against him... 

It clearly didn't end well for the walker. Alita was about to ask what Glenn was doing when he began pulling the walkers arm off and suddenly it clicked. He was going to use the bones as weapons. That's genius! 

The three of them stood by the door for nearly 10 minutes, the sharp bones in Alita's hands ready to take out whoever came through the door and she hoped it wouldn't be Merle.

She wouldn't be able to attack Merle, even after everything he had done. As if on queue the metal door opened and Alita quickly attacked the first man while Glenn and Maggie attacked the other man. 

Everything happened so quickly, Alita barley realized what she was doing when she stabbed the bone through the man's neck before she grabbed his gun. She quickly turned around to find Merle on the ground with his knife hand pressed against Glenn's throat, Maggie standing to the side with wide eyes.

"Merle. Don't make me do this... Please." Alita said, her voice shaky with emotion as she aimed the gun at her brother-in-law. 

But he shook his head as the sound of more guns being loaded filled the air and she knew that they were surrounded as she dropped the weapon. 

The men behind Alita with guns walked over to the three, grabbing and pushing her into another room as they forced her onto her knees and she knew what was about to happen.

'Was Merle really going to let the men kill her like this?' Alita thought watching the scene in front of her.

"Glad we could catch up." Merle suddenly said and Alita looked up at him, but he refused to look at her as he focused on Maggie and Glenn.

"Just keep looking at me." Glenn said from beside Maggie. But before Alita could look over at the two of them a bag was suddenly thrown over head and she couldn't see a thing.

"On your feet, move." One of the men ordered and within a second someone was pulling her up from the ground roughly and began pushing her forwards. 

She couldn't see anything, but she could hear Maggie and Glenn struggling behind her, so at least they were all still together. A second later Alita heard the sound of metal hitting the ground before something exploded by her feet and the prison holding her fell to the ground taking her with him.

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