Chapter 31: Helping Hershel

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No One's Point of View

"Carl, let me in bud." Alita called spotting the boy leaning against  the wall outside one of the cells eating the candy she gave him earlier  before he jogged over to her, unlocking the door.

"Don't worry the guys have the prisoners handled. How's Hershel?" Alita asks the young boy.

"They stopped the bleeding, but he still hasn't woken up." Carl answered and she nodded at him.

"He's one tough man, he'll wake up soon." Alita  reassured, noticing the worry on the young boy's face before she quickly  climbed the stairs to her and Daryl's bed. 

She opened her backpack  trying to see if she had antibiotics or painkillers in there before she  made her way back down the stairs over to the cell everyone was crowding  around.

"Hey, I found some antibiotics, it should prevent him  from getting an infection and some painkillers, they won't do much now  but when he wakes up he'll be grateful." Alita said softly, walking into  the cell. 

Lori and Carol were crouched down in front of Hershel who was  lying on the bed. Maggie, Beth, and Glenn were standing by the wall  behind them, watching.

"Thank you, Alita." Carol said with a  soft smile as Alita handed her a couple of the tablets before she looked  down at Hershel. 

Alita stayed with them for a while, not knowing what to do. She hated feeling helpless, but there was nothing she could do  for her father figure she had. Later on Carl asks Alita if she was  alright, she softly smiles at him, nodding at him.

"Is Hershel you dad...?" Carl asks Alita.

"Carl... Hershel is a friend of mine's step-father... Remember me  mentioning Shawn one day on the farm...?" Alita asks Carl as he nodded.

"Shawn and his family were family friends... But whenever this all  started... I was with them remember... Since that day Hershel and the rest  of the Greenes took me in as their own... We may not be blood related, but  we are still family..." She responds, as Carl nods, but still looked  confused at her.

"So no he isn't my dad, but... He has always been a  father figure for me for the longest time... He took me in after I told  him what happened to my family in Florida... And I'm grateful, while  Maggie, Beth, and I have grown close to each other like sisters." Alita starts to explain to the young boy.

"I'll  always love those three and I'm sure they love me... What I'm trying to  say is that family doesn't end with blood... It doesn't even start there  either... Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's  there with the good, the bad, all of that, but they always got your  back. Even when it hurts... That's family." Alita continued.

(Author/Red: Does anyone know the reference I made during that? Yes? No? Okay...)

"Maggie and Beth are like my  sisters. I love them to death. Hershel is like my dad in a way and I  love him... And I will always will. This group is apart of that family as  well, ever since you guys got to the farm." Alita says smiling a little,  Carl nods at her words, and he took that in. 

"So  you may not be related to them, but there your family no matter what?  And so are we?" Carl asks Alita, and she nods at him smiling. Glenn looks stares her a bit surprised on what he heard from her, he didn't  know she could had words of wisdom like Dale...

Soon Maggie and  Beth were walking towards Alita smiling, tearing up a bit having heard  her words, and they hugged her and Alita hugs both of them back tearing  up a little bit. Once they let go of each other Maggie and Beth smiles  at her once again, as Alita holds there hands as they went towards  Hershel.

"Can you describe everyone in the group Alita... You know...  What they are to you like how you described Maggie, Beth, and Hershel...?"  Carl asks the young lady, and she nods as she took a step away from the  group around Hershel to once again talk to the young boy. After Alita  explains to him about what she thought about the group, the boy nods at  her.

"You really do believe in us? Even if we did come from different backgrounds" He asks her and she smiles and nods at him.

"I do, and yes even if we all do come from different backgrounds. I still believe in us." Alita says to him, later Maggie comes up to the  two to talk to Alita.

"You love all of us Alita?" She asks her sister figure. Alita nods smiling at her sister figure.

"I wouldn't trade anything in the world for the family I have here and you know that Maggie." Alita replies to her smiling. Maggie looks at her  smiling at her and they hold each others hand and the three of them  went by Hershel's cell watching over him, once again.

"Foods here. Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans." T-Dog's voice shouted as Alita walked from the cell to find him and Rick walking in, arms full of food, but no Daryl.

"Where's Daryl?" She quickly questioned walking over to Rick, who nodded over his shoulder towards the door he just came from.

"In that room with the prisoners. We're gonna get some weapons and help them clear out a cell block." Rick answered.

She nodded and with that she made her was towards the door, not liking the thought of Daryl being alone with the five of them, especially with the leader.

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