Chapter 141: Carry on my Wayward Son

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(Author/Red: I know I used the same name in my Undertale story for one of my chapters.

But I thought that it would fit for this chapter more cause of Carl.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

Alita's Point of View

The muffled explosions in the distance were a far cry from the terror I could feel coming from both Rick and Michonne.

I could hear Carl's voice from where they were and it tore at me, tore at every part of me.

Daryl pulls me closer to him and Judith, I pressed my face into his leg as I try and fight back another round of tears.

Explosions were still going off outside, I don't want to know how it looked out there-

How bad our home had been destroyed while our group, our family was being destroyed-

That's what it felt like at least. I jumped when an explosion goes off right above us it sounded like.

The nightmares I had were nothing compared to these-

Carl goes into a coughing fit as dust falls on him.

Michonne stands from where she kneeled next to the cot Carl was on, she storms past Daryl and I towards Dwight.

"Make it stop." She demands, grabbing him by his shirt, she slammed him into the wall.

"Make it stop." She repeats.

"I can't." Dwight states.

"You can. You're one of them. They'll listen to you." Her voice starting to break as she pants.

"Please. Please." She begs.

The explosion continues outside as she stares at him with tears rolling down her face.

I rest my head on Daryl's shoulder so I don't have to look at her.

I gently ran my fingers through Judith's hair.

"You said that Hilltop's safe, right?" Rosita asks.

"Yeah." Dwight says.

"We need to get everybody there. We can get Carl there." Michonne says.

"And they think all of you got away in the woods. They're out there, looking." Dwight states.

"They saw us go West, so we won't go West." Tara tells him.

"You're best chance is to stay here. Until they're gone." He argues.

"No. They find us here, we're dead." Daryl rasps out, puling away I nod in agreement.

"They're almost done. They gotta be. It wasn't about destroying the place. They don't have the ammo for that. After they let up, after they're gone, that's when we go." Daryl states as I look away from him with a heavy sigh.

"Okay. We wait." Rosita says.

Michonne nods in agreement before making her way back to where Carl laid.

"You sure going to Hilltop's the best plan?" Dwight asks.

"You got a better one?" Rosita fires back.

"All of you in one place, together..." Dwight starts.

"All of us together... We'll be their worst **** nightmare." Daryl cuts in.

-Time skip-

I ran a hand over Daryl's back as he sways Judith gently.

"Sounds like they're letting up." Dwight points out.

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