Chapter 131: Dwight?!?!?

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Alita's Point of View

That night we pull up at Alexandria, we head through the gate after Rosita opens it, getting out we head over to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Enid asks.

"Where's Sasha?" Jesus questions. Rosita looks around at us.

"There's someone here." Is all she says instead of answering the questions.

We follow her to the prison and she opens the door, looking in we see Dwight, he stands up and looks at us.

Daryl starts to rush in, Rick stops him. Daryl grunts trying to get past him, his eyes trained on the blonde man.

"Whoa. Whoa." Rick grunts as Daryl pushes them further into the cell, he keeps fighting to attack Dwight, I head behind him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa! Slow down. Come on." Rick says keeping his hands against Daryl's chest.

"He wants to help us." Rosita tells him, Rick looks back at the man.

"That true? You want to help us?" Rick asks the man.

"I do." Dwight answers.

Rick walks away from Daryl and stands in front of Dwight, he looks him over for a second.

"Okay." Rick says, pulling his gun and aims it at Dwight's head before cocking it.

"Get on your knees." Rick orders.

Dwight kneels down, him and Daryl lock eyes and it's a tense quiet that follows.

"Look at me." Rick orders, Dwight looks up at him.

"Why?" Rick asked.

"Cause I want it stopped. I want Negan dead." Dwight responds.

"So why don't you kill him?" Ash asked from behind Daryl, Nate, and I.

"Can't just be me. They're all Negan." Dwight answered her.

"That girl you murdered..." I looked over at Tara, she steps over and leans down in Dwight's face.

"She had a name. Her name was Denise, and she was a doctor. And she helped people." Tara states.

"I wasn't aiming at her." Dwight says.

Daryl snaps and grabs Dwight by his vest and slams him back against the wall.

He keeps him there with his hand around his throat and with his knife aimed at his eye, he pants heavily.

I stepped forwards just in case, with my eyes turning silver once again like before.

Which I could tell it scared Dwight unlike before.

I know what Daryl is feeling, but I also knew that Dwight was genuine in wanting to kill Negan.

He's one of the people in the Sanctuary that treated me like a human or some animal.

"Do it. Do it." Tara pushes.

"You wanna end it this way..." Dwight gasps.

"You go ahead. I'm sorry. I am. I know you want to." Dwight adds.

"He could just be here to see if you or Alita were here." Rick points out.

"We can't trust him." Michonne adds.

"But..." I started to add as my eyes went back to their natural dark brown color.

"If it weren't for him and Sherry a certain plan on getting out of the Sanctuary wouldn't have worked so well." I stated, as everyone looked at my surprised.

"If it weren't for Dwight... Amy, Alita, Mark, Mika, Evelyn, Ethan, and I wouldn't be out here now. And away from Negan and the Saviors. And if it weren't for Sherry... Daryl wouldn't be out here either." I added to my statement from earlier.

"They owned me. But not anymore. What I did, I was doing for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here. Are you because of her? And Alita is right." Dwight says, Daryl doesn't move.

"Do it!" Tara still tells him after what I just said.

"There's another choice." Dwight says.

"Daryl. Daryl, you knew her." He starts again.

"Negan trusts me. We work together, we can stop him. You knew me then, and you know me now. You know I'm not lying. I'm not." Dwight adds,

"Do it. Do it!" Tara kept saying.

Dwight and Tara pull at Daryl in two different directs, walking over I gently placed my hand on his arm, he glances at me.

"Daryl..." I started to whisper.

"You know the right thing to do. Listen to yourself, not Dwight, or Tara, not me- Listen to yourself." I said, dropping my hand as I took a step back to give him some room.

Daryl takes a breath sharply but he lowers his knife but keeps Dwight pinned to the wall.

"They have Sasha, if she's even alive." Rosita speaks up.

I looked at her with wide eyes, and my eyes turn a bit of silver once again.

"Why didn't you say something?" Jesus asks.

"He could be our only chance to get her back." Rosita states.

"Because I don't trust him. But I trust Daryl." She adds.

"Negan's coming soon." Dwight starts. Rick steps in front of Dwight.

"Tomorrow. Three trucks probably. 20 Saviors and him. I can slow them down, bring some trees down in the road, but a little time for you guys to get ready. If you can take them out, that's where we start. You kill them, I'll radio back to the Sanctuary." Dwight states.

"The Sanctuary?" Rick asked.

"Where Negan lives." Dwight and I choir, Rick and Daryl look at me, I looked down.

"I know... Such a fitting name." I commented sarcastically.

"That's what they call it. I can radio back to them and say everything's okay. You drive the truck back, and I can lead you right inside, and, with the right plan, we can wipe the rest." Dwight started.

"Check to see if your friend's still alive. Then, we get the workers on our side, build our numbers up, and go from outpost to outpost and end this." Dwight planned.

"What about the others that was with Amy, Mark, Ethan, Mika, and I, for example, Amy's mom?" I asked.

"I'll get her out. Get her somewhere safe." Dwight answered, and I nodded. It falls quiet, no one moves or says a word.

"Keep talking." Rick tells him.

-Time skip-

I stood next to Daryl, Nate, and Ash as we watch Dwight walk out of Alexandria and get in his car, Rick comes next to us.

"We just started it- The whole thing." He points out.

"If he's lyin', I'm gonna kill him real slow." Daryl threatens.

"When this is done, I don't give a **** if he's sorry. I will kill that son of a *****." Daryl states.

"If he's lying, this is already over." Rick says before he walks away.

Daryl and I stood there as the gates close, reaching down I grabbed his hand, he puts his arm around me and starts to lead me away, he squeezes my hip as we go.

As Ash and Nate were already left back to their house, with Ash giving me back my journal.

Later that night with me adding more people to the list like I did after Terminus.

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