Chapter 66: Comfort?

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We're back to Roux's POV again!!


I couldn't really pay attention at school today, My thoughts kept going back to Bailey and Paris being in court.

The court deciding my fate. . .

It didn't help any when my friends had to leave to present their evidence to the court.

My concern and stress just seemed to grow even more now that I was back home with Kadin.

He was in the kitchen right now, Cooking supper for us as I watched the clock tick away.

I was supposed to be working on some homework I had gotten assigned, However I was unable to concentrate on anything.

I wonder what's happening down at the court house. . . Are things going well or are my parents winning?

Sighing, I nervously chewed on my bottom lip as I turned my attention back to the history report I was supposed to be working on.

The Sacred Band of Thebes. . . A fearsome troop of one hundred and fifty  pairs of gay warrior men. . .

Frowning, I looked away from the history pages I was supposed to be reading, My distracted attention turning to the grey bird snoozing on a pillow next to me.

Sighing, I set the book down on the coffee table before laying down on the couch, My head right next to the pillow Ferris was sleeping on.

He opened a single little black eyes, His gaze turning to me as I reached a hand up to lightly scratch at his feathery head.

He let out a quiet little cooing sound as he leaned into my touch, Happily chirping.

A small smile formed on my face as I watched my beloved bird with tired eyes.

''Do you think it's going well down at the court house?'' I asked him quietly, Still gently scratching between his feathers.

He tilted his head slightly before raising one of his talons up to gently rest on my hand, Making me pause.

'Trust it goes well' He said simply, His broken English a lot worse then normal as he was still sleepy.

''You really trust that it will go well?'' I asked quietly, Going back to gently scratching at him.

He nodded his head, Starting to doze off again.

Sighing, I stared up at the ceiling, My thoughts still spiraling.

But what if it's not going well? What if-

''Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?'' Kadin asked calmly from the doorway to the kitchen.

I felt my face heat up as bit as I sat back up, My attention on him now as he moved to sit down next to me.

''Let's see what you're learning about. . .'' He muttered, Picking up my history book from the glass coffee table.

He briefly looked over the chapter I was on before slowly nodding.

''Greece, I see, So, What have you learned so far?'' He asked calmly, Marking the page I was on before closing the book.

''So far?. . . Ancient times were a lot gayer than most people make it out to be. . .'' I muttered, Nervously holding my hands in my lap.

Kadin let out a small chuckle, A fond smile on his face.

 ''Yes, And?'' He pressed, His warm honey eyes trained on me.

The slight embarrassed blush on my face darkened a bit at that, ''That's. . . That's all I got. . .'' I muttered out sheepishly.

Kadin nodded at that before opening the book again and flipping back a few pages.

''Here, Come cuddle, I'll help you get through this'' He said, Lifting his arm up to drape it gently over my shoulders as I cuddled against his side.

I snuggled into his side as he started to read to me from the book.

--- Time skip ---

Eventually, We had finished the chapter I was supposed to read.

Currently, Kadin was in the kitchen tending to whatever he was cooking.

I had no clue what it was but it smelled good.

I was snuggled up where Kadin and I had been cuddling before, Ferris had moved up to perch on the back of the couch so he could watch over me.

Sighing, My eyes started to drift closed again.

I had forgotten about the court enough so that in the warm safe house, I was feeling safe and very tired.

That comfort was dashed however as soon as I heard the front door open.

Poking my head up, I peered over the back of the couch.

Paris walked in and instantly headed up stairs, He look tired and his shirt was slightly rumbled.

Bailey paused to take off his shoes and coat before he looked around briefly.

As soon as his eyes landed on me, He made his way over, A grim look on his face.

I swallowed nervously, Sitting back up properly on the couch as he sat down next to me.

''So. . . How'd it go?'' I asked quietly, Looking over at me nervously as I spoke.

His expression did not bode well.

''It went well.'' He answered simply, Still staring at me.

I nervously started to rub at my arms, Feeling exposed as he stared at me.

Just as I was about to ask why he was staring at me, Kadin came back into the room.

''How'd it go?'' Kadin asked as he sat down next to me, Gently placing his arm over my shoulders.

Bailey stared at us both for a second before sighing, Reaching a hand up to tiredly rub at his eyes.

''We won'' He stated simply, His voice sounding drained.

''Why do you sound so upset then?'' Kadin asked, Tilting his head slightly as he asked.

Bailey was silent for a long time before sighing and roughly rubbing at his eyes again.

''Roux's. . . Friends. . . Had some very concerning evidence they presented in court'' Bailey said slowly, His voice tired.

Kadin frowned before his arm tightened slightly on me.

''What type of evidence?'' Kadin asked slowly, His eyes narrowing slightly.

I grimaced slightly as I remembered exactly what type of photos I had asked my friends to bring up before the court.

This is going to be a very long night. . .


And we're back with Roux! And a very upset Bailey (And Paris), Any guesses what exactly the photos his friends showed were?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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