Chapter 26:

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Woo! next chapter, T-T Yay


I slowly woke up to someone lightly kissing my eyelids, I let out a tired groan.

I heard a amused chuckle from somewhere above me, I moved forwards and buried my face in the culprit's chest.

The person who woke me up stiffened in surprise before relaxing and wrapping his arms around me.

''Mornin' Roux'' Bailey muttered gently, His morning voice sounding gruff.

I snuggled closer into him, Starting to drift back to sleep.

My eyes snapped open as he slipped a hand up the back of my shirt.

I let out a startled squeak and pushed myself away enough to look up at him, He stared down at me in amusement.

''W-Why did you do that?'' I squeaked out, My face flushing bright red.

He grinned down at me, ''Well your awake now  so guess my plan worked'' He muttered quietly.

''I swear Bailey, if you are harassing Roux up there I will make you regret it!'' Kadin hollered up from downstairs.

I could have sworn I saw Bailey pale slightly, ''C'mon kid, Lets get downstairs'' Bailey muttered, Getting up off the bed.

I rubbed tiredly at my eyes before I felt his hand gently cup my face.

I looked up at him as he stared down at me, He simply wiped the sleep out of my eyes gently with his thumbs.

I blushed red yet again as he stared at me for a moment longer.

''Hey, At least wait on the rest of us'' A cheerfully voice said, I let out a startled squeak as I spun around to face Paris.

He grinned at me as he walked out of the bathroom in just a towel.

My felt like it was on fire as I stared at him in shock.

He was fairly toned, He wasn't as muscly as Bailey however he did have a few muscles.

I must have been staring for a while because I was startled when I felt Paris gently cup my face.

He wrapped his bare arms around my neck and hovered over me, The only thing between him and me being my thin pajamas and the towel. . .

''Like what you see?'' He teased, Giving me a lop sided smile.

''I-'' I squeaked out before I paniced and bolted out the door.

I hurried down into the kitchen, Bailey and Kadin were standing near the stove chatting as Bailey was cooking.

I hurried over to Kadin and hid behind him, He looked at me in confusion as I just buried my red face into his shoulder.

I could faintly hear the sound of laughter coming from upstairs.

''What the hell did Paris do now?'' Bailey grumbled, Already sounding like himself again.

Kadin gently guided me to the bench and sat down next to me, I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped a arm around my neck.

Bailey grumbled to himself as he cooked over the stove, Kadin gently carded his hand through my curls, Careful to not hurt me when he found tangles.

After a short while Bailey set the burner to low and headed upstairs, Hollering for Paris.

Kadin smiled down at me, ''Not really awake?'' He guessed.

I hummed quietly in agreement, He chuckled quietly before we both fell into a peaceful silence.

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