Chapter 49:

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Annnd here we go, Ambrose time. . .


''Sir, Surely there is another way. . .'' Paris pressed, Following behind Anders.

The blue eyed man stopped in his tracks, Sighing as he turned to face Paris.

''Harp, Please don't fight this, I highly doubt you'll accept the other option so just let this happen'' Anders said calmly to Paris, Moving to rest his hand on the shorter blonde's shoulder.

''What's the other option?'' Bailey asked, Moving away from Kadin and I so he could approach the blue eyed man.

Anders arched a eyebrow, Glancing over at Bailey.

''Well, The other option is for someone to stay here and monitor Roux to make sure he's okay'' Anders explained, His voice still neutral and slightly unsettling.

''We do have a guest room we pretty much never use'' Kadin pointed out to Bailey.

''Yeah! You can stay in the guest room until the court date happens'' Paris said, Seeming to calm down as his hopes raised.

Anders sighed and turned his attention back to Paris, ''That's the thing Harp, I won't be the one staying, Ambrose would'' He explained simply.

''What!? I'm not staying with him!'' Both Paris and Ambrose said at the same time, Both of them sounding offended.  

''I assumed as much, Come along than Roux'' Anders said, His voice turning to that eerie gentleness as he turned his attention to me.

I felt the familiar cold grip of fear as he held his hand out towards me.

I backed up closer to Kadin, My eyes flicking away from the people around me and towards the ground instead.

Don't be so selfish. . . Clearly Paris doesn't want this. . .

Do you really want to cause even more trouble than you already have?

Do you really want to be even more of a burde-

''Fine. But he stays in the guest room almost the whole time.'' Paris grumbled, His voice dragging me out of my thoughts.

I blinked a few times, Just now noticing that Paris was no longer standing next to Anders, Instead he was beside me, His arm lightly draped over my shoulders.

The slight weight helped to ground me, Calming my heart beat that I was just now noticed was rushing.

''Sir I-'' Ambrose started to complain only to fall silent as Anders gave him a look.

''Well than, I'll expect a daily report from you Ambrose.'' The blue eyed man said before turning his attention to Paris, Not leaving time for Ambrose to argue.

''Paris, A word please?'' He said simply before turning and walking over to his car.

Paris glanced back at me before quickly placing a light kiss to my head and hurrying off to join his boss.

''Come on Roux, Lets go inside'' Kadin said, Resting his hand on my shoulder.

''Hey Kadin? Can I ask for your advice on something?'' I asked, Letting him lead me inside as Bailey remained outside, Giving Ambrose a death glare.

''Of course you can, What is it?'' He asked, Closing the door behind us as he spoke.

''Well, You know how we have a new soulmark?'' I checked, Following him into the kitchen and sitting down next to him on the bench.

''Yeah, It was a hedgehog right?'' He checked, Smiling gently at me before slipping a arm around my waist.

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as he pulled me closer so I was snuggled up against his side.

''Well. . . W-What if I might know who they are-'' I started to say before Kadin cut me off.

''That's great!'' He said happily before his cheeks flushed the slightest bit, ''Sorry, Continue'' He added quietly.

I gave him a small fragile smile at his cheerfulness, ''Their someone who a person in this household hates though. . .'' I explained quietly.

''Oh. . .'' He whispered quietly, His smile also shrinking.

We both remained quiet for a while before he sighed, He leaned over to lightly kiss my forehead.

''I can see why you haven't mentioned this yet. . .'' Kadin muttered slowly, His voice holding the soft velvety tone he always seemed to use when he's trying to calm someone down.

''What should I do?'' I asked sadly, Resting my head on his shoulder.

Why did I have to be the one to find it out?



 I sighed, The weighted feeling returning to my shoulders.

''Well. . . It might be best to tell the others about it tonight. . . That way we won't end up dealing with that and the court date at the same time. . . Hopefully'' He said slowly, Clearly trying his best to think this through even as he was speaking.

I sighed, Closing my eyes slightly as his hand moved to gently rub at my back.

''Alright. . . I hope this goes well. . .'' I whispered, Starting to feel this long day, Full of surprises, Draining me a bit.

''Kadin? Roux? Where are you two?'' Paris's voice called out, Sounding like he was in the living room.

''In the kitchen!'' Kadin called back, His hands moving to cover my ears so his shout wouldn't hurt them.

Bailey calmly walked in, Looking tired already as he sat down beside Kadin on the bench.

''Too much bickering for one day?'' Kadin guessed as the taller man followed suite and laid his head on Kadin's other shoulder.

''Mhmm, I'm gonna grab my Milkshake'' Bailey mumbled quietly, Getting up and heading towards the fridge.

''Can you grab mine too?'' I asked between a yawn.

Shouldn't Paris be here by now? The house isn't that big. . .

''You doing alright?'' Bailey asked, Drawing my attention to him as he set the minty drink in front of me.

Kadin was already holding the chocolate turtle one Bailey had picked out for him.

''Yeah, I'll be fine'' I muttered, Gratefully accepting the Milkshake from him.

''Pretty sure that wasn't his question'' Ambrose muttered, He and Paris were both walking into the kitchen at roughly the same time, Just in time to over hear Bailey.

''Shut up. He's clearly just tired and not thinking clearly'' Paris snapped quietly, Shutting down the other man.

I glanced at the two of them over my drink, Paris looked like he was trying his best to not strangle the contact wearing man.

''Oh wow. How insightful.'' Ambrose muttered sarcastically.

Before Paris could say anything Bailey cut in, ''Both of you shut the hell up. Paris come cuddle. Ambrose. Do whatever the hell you want just stop it.'' He snapped.

Paris, Much to my surprise just gave Ambrose another glare before sitting down next to Bailey.

Ambrose sighed and sat at the end of the bench closest to me, His whole body and posture stiff as a board.

Well. . . Tonight is gonna be. . . Tense. . .


Dear lord, This is actually out on time. Anyways, Roux gets to stay with them! so does Ambrose. . . Any guesses on what's gonna happen?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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