Chapter 11: A new friend?

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So ya'll didn't notice I am late? no? Oh thank fuck, I have no excuses.

Anyways, Things happen, Roux cries, In other words: normal shit, Enjoy the suffering!


My eyes slowly started to open, Warm arms were curled around me as something soft kept me pinned against someone's chest.

My half asleep brain started to freak out, Lips gently pressed against my neck and woke me up fully now as tingles spread from that spot.

I squirmed around in Paris's grasp until I was facing him, He smiled down at me, His eyes had that 'just woke up' look to them.

''Well this is a perfect way to wake up'' He murmured gruffly before pressing his lips against mine, He kept the kiss short and sweet this time.

I found myself blushing slightly as he pulled back to look down at me, He Gave me his lop sided smile before gently tugging me off the sofa.

As soon as my feet hit the floor I stumbled slightly, The way we had slept last night had cut off some of the blood flow to my legs.

Paris wrapped his arms around my waist, Holding me up as pins and needles raced through my legs.

Hushed whispers broke through the peace that had filled the room, I glanced up at Paris only to see him staring in the direction of the kitchen, His face blank.

I tried again to stand up and found that I could this time, Paris moved back slightly, One of his arms moving to rest on my shoulders. 

The hushed whispers stopped for a moment before starting up again, Paris gently started to lead me to the stairs, His face still blank.

''P-Paris?'' I squeaked, Looking up at him as worry started to make me panic.

He glanced down at me, His  face softening as his arm moved off my shoulders and into the small of my back.

''How about you head up and take a shower mkay?'' He murmured while tugging me up against himself.

Blushing I squirmed out of his arms and stumbled up the stairs as muffled chuckles came from behind me.

I stepped into the shower and turned the faucet to cold as I replayed the foggy memories of my half asleep mind.

With a blush I glanced down at my flagging member.

Nope, Not today. Not ever.

I stepped back further into the spray of cold water, Holding my breath as water streamed down my face and past my nose.

-------Time skip~-------

I stepped out of the shower, Shivering slightly from the cold water.

I glanced at the mirror, My pale skin contrasting with the dark splotches of the bruises around my hips.

I looked like I was straight out of the grave, I redressed myself quickly so as not to keep my ugliness out in the open.

Stepping out of the bathroom I saw Paris getting dressed, He was ripped!

I blushed and covered my face as he looked up at me with a smirk, ''Like what ya see?'' He said in a teasing voice.

I kept my face down as I heard footsteps coming in my direction, Paris gently ruffled my hair before I heard a dresser close.

''You don't have to hide your face you know, Either way im dressed now'' He said from somewhere above me.

I looked up at him as he smiled down at me, He carefully gripped my chin and gave me a peck on my lips.

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