Chapter 30: Torture?. . .

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New chapter up early. . . Please don't kill me over the title


I smiled over my smoothie at the two men across from me.

Kadin and Paris were calmly talking to each other, Something about Halloween from the sound of it.

Bailey sat next to me, His arm anchoring me close to his side.

Much to my surprise he had picked a berry filled smoothie instead of a plain one like I had assumed he would pick.

Well, Just proves that you can't judge someone by their appearance. . .

''Roux, What do you say we go take a walk?'' Paris called, Breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded happily, Still sipping from my mint chocolate chip smoothie.

He chuckled and held his hand out to me, He was holding a raspberry smoothie in his other hand.

Kadin and Bailey walked side by side, The two of them easily picking up conversation.

When did we end up in the park?

 ''Roux, Don't wander too far'' Kadin reminded me.

I glanced back and noticed I was a far ways away from them.

But I don't remember walkin-


My snapped back around, Looking for the voice that had just spoken.

All that was in front of me was a odd hedge maze.

Glancing back I noticed that the others were missing.

''Kadin? Paris? Bailey? Where are you guys?'' I called out, Looking around for them worriedly.


I spun back around again, The hedge maze seemed closer. . .

Steeling my nerves i stepped into the maze.

''How do i find my way through here?'' I muttered to myself.

It was a lot darker inside, Almost like there was no light in here. . .

I turned down a random path, Hoping for the best.

Dead end. . .


The voice sounded fainter.

For some reason that made me start to panic, I don't know why but I just felt like the voice was. . . In danger?

I started to run down random paths, The little light i had in here fading quicker and quicker.

Please, Don't di-


My head snapped up at the sound of a bird's call.

Circling above me was a African grey.

It circled a few more times before flying off down a path.

I followed behind it as it turned down paths almost at random.

As I followed behind it my surroundings started to lighten until it everything was bright again.

We turned down one last path before we reached the middle of the maze.

There in the middle was a broken down stone water fountain, On top of the fountain was a statue of a angel.

It's wings laid in shattered moss covered pieces around the base of the fountain.

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