Chapter 56: Soup and cuddles

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Annd, Here we go


I had tried to stay awake until Paris and Ambrose came back in, However, My body had other plans.

I found my eyes drifting closed despite my best efforts to keep them open.

I'll just take a long blink, I should be fine. . .

I thought I had closed my eyes just for a few seconds or so, Yet, When I opened my eyes again the room was slightly darker and I now had another blanket on top of me.

Looking around, I noticed a glass of something bubbly and clear.

Bailey's back?

I picked up the glass, Taking a small sip of the soda.

I could feel it tingling at the back of my throat before I set the glass back down.

I couldn't taste anything.

At least I don't feel cold anymore. . .

I did feel lonely though.

With that in mind, I carefully got out of bed, My legs trembling slightly from lack of use.

Making my way down the stairs, I faintly heard the sound of metal utensils hitting the side of what I assumed to be a pot.

I slowly and carefully made my way into the kitchen, My vision swimming ever so slightly.

Sure enough, Bailey was standing at the stove, Cooking something in a pot.

I was about to go tell him I was here when I had to quickly cover my mouth, A cough escaping me.

When I looked back up, Bailey was looking at me, His brows furrowed slightly.

''Roux? What are you doing up?'' He asked, Turning down the heat on the stove, Setting the pot to simmer before he walked over to me.

I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I glanced away, Embarrassed over feeling lonely.

''I was kinda. . . Lonely'' I admitted, Nervously rubbing at the back of my neck.

He let out a quiet sound that I swear was a chuckle before he gently ruffled my hair.

''How about we make a deal? You eat some soup and you can stay down here, M'kay?'' Bailey offered, His hand moving to rest on my forehead.

I let out a tired sigh but nodded any ways, Following beside him as he steered me gently towards the bench.

Sitting down, I watched as Bailey started to dish up whatever was in the pot.

''Just try and eat some of it'' He said, Setting a perfectly hot bowl of potato soup in front of me.

''Thanks'' I said politely, Accepting the nicely warm bowl from him.

He gave me a small smile, Leaning forwards to gently kiss me on my forehead.

He let out a quiet thoughtful hum before moving back, ''You don't feel nearly as hot anymore'' He commented, Sounding slightly relieved.

I don't? Maybe my fever's gone down!

A smile formed on my face at that thought, Cheering up slightly with that little bit of hope.

''Eat the soup still'' Bailey said, Walking back to the stove as he spoke.

I nodded, Picking up the spoon and carefully blowing on the steaming food.

Taking a bite of it, I could feel it warming up my insides nicely.

It was very nice, Even though I sadly couldn't taste it.

I managed to eat half the bowl before I started to worry I'd get sick.

Bailey must have noticed the silence because he moved over to me after I had been paused for a while.

''Full?'' He guessed, Moving to sit down next to me on the bench.

I nodded, Feeling slightly bad for not finishing the meal he made for me.

He lightly patted me on the head, Picking up the bowl and dumping the remaining soup out in the sink.

Hopefully that's enough so I can stay down here. . .

''Come on, Lets go lay down on the couch'' Bailey said while taking the pot of soup off of the stovetop. 

I gave him a small smile as I got up, Accepting his offered hand as he led me to the couch.

He sat down, His arm draping over my shoulders as I curled into his side.

He briefly moved away from me to grab a blanket, He draped the warm thing over both of us before settling back down, Turning the Tv to a random station.

I could feel my eyes drifting closed after a while, My body comfortably warm and my heart soothed by the fact I wasn't alone.

I didn't even pay attention to the show playing in the background.

''Sweet dreams'' Bailey murmured before I fell back into the fever dreams I won't remember when I wake.

--- Time skip ---

I was warm, My brain pleasantly fuzzy when I started to wake back up.

Bailey was still holding me, However now I was laid out across his lap, His hand idly carding through my hair as he spoke with someone from the sound of it.

''At least he's no longer as hot as before'' Bailey pointed out to whoever he was talking to.

''I know, But he still should be laying down in a bed, Not on a couch'' Kadin chided, Sounding concerned.

I heard Bailey sigh before Kadin started to say something, I didn't get to hear what he was going to say as Bailey suddenly moved underneath me.

I opened my eyes, Looking up to see Bailey kissing Kadin, Shutting the other man up.

After a moment Bailey pulled back, Leaving Kadin to glare at him, Annoyed even as his face flushed slightly.

''Kadin, You know how lonely it can be to be locked away in the bedroom all alone, If he wants to stay down here he can'' Bailey reasoned.

Before Kadin could say anything back, I decided to stretch out slightly, My arms reaching above my head.

Both of them fell silent as I settled back down, Kadin watching me worriedly and Bailey watching fondly.

''Welcome home'' I said sleepily to Kadin, A happy feeling started filling my heart as a happy smile formed on Kadin's tired face.

''Thank you Rooie, At least someone missed me'' Kadin said, Playfully poking at Bailey.

''Hey! I kissed you didn't I?'' Bailey shot back, Equally playful.

I couldn't help but quietly laugh as the two men started to playfully bicker with each other over how much they missed the other.

What did I do right to deserve this?


Alright, A chapter of fluff, Any guesses how long Roux is going to be sick though?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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