Chapter 17: One step . . .

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So I have gotten back to rewriting my other soulmark book, Its looking. . . Okay, I might be able to post the first chapter up later this week.


As the sun started to set, we pulled into the drive way, Bailey got out of his car, Dragging a reluctant Paris along with him.

I hopped out, The cause of Paris's fear was currently perched on Kadin's shoulder. . . For now.

Kadin unlocked the door and Ferris flew into the house without a second thought, I followed behind the others and spotted where my favorite man had taken up perch.

Smiling slightly I moved to hover near the window Ferris had chosen to perch on, I gently stroked Ferris's head feathers as we watched Paris hurry upstairs, Bailey right behind him.

A soft whistle drew my attention to Kadin, ''To think, They both have dealt with murderers, Yet they are so frightened by a cute little parrot'' Kadin murmured, Heading over to stand in front of me.

He reached a arm around my waist to pet Ferris's head, I stared up at him, A blush forming on my cheeks.

He gave me a lop sided smile, His eyes filled with that strange emotion as he seemed to stare into my very soul.

I felt both of his arms gently wrap around my waist, I backed up slightly out of embarrassment but much to my surprise my back was now pressed up against the window sill.

He leaned down to rest his forehead on top of my own, Our eyes remained on each other even as Ferris quietly chirped behind us.

With a odd burst of courage I moved to cover the small distance between our lips, My lips met his soft ones.

I heard a sharp inhale of surprise from him before he pressed his lips more firmly against my own, One of his hands moved to gently thread his fingers into my curls.

He kept kissing me gently before pulling back slightly, He gently nipped at my lower lip.

I parted my lips as he pressed forwards again, This time his tongue slipped into my mouth.

I could taste his mouth on my tongue as he deepened the kiss, The taste of cloves filled my mouth as his tongue twisted with my own.

I shuddered as the arm around my waist slowly slid up to the small of my back, On instinct I moved to wrap my arms around his neck.

My breath was running out as his tongue kept exploring every small area of my mouth, My underwear and pants were starting to feel too tight as Kadin pressed his warm body against my smaller one.

''Aww, You guys couldn't wait on the rest of us?'' A teasing voice asked, Breaking through the haze.

I moved back away from Kadin quickly, A blush forming shamefully on my face as I trained my eyes on the floor.

The sound of wing beats rung in the hallway before Paris's screams and Ferris's screeches echoed around the fairly empty entrance.

My eyes snapped up to see Ferris swooping and dive bombing Paris, Said man was trying to shoo him away all the while.

Kadin sighed and whistled, ''Ferris, Please leave the moron alone'' He asked in a exasperated tone.

Surprisingly enough Ferris actually listened, He glided down to perch on my shoulder as Paris attempted to compose himself.

''Really? Name calling? I thought that was restricted to the bed room'' Paris said in a teasing tone, He grinned cockily before Ferris swooped down to start attacking him again.

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