Chapter 3: Know your. . .

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So. . . Roux's parents aren't exactly the best people in. . . any stretch of the mind, you have been warned (oh and if it will actually work I put a song above that I think best fits roux's situation, if not its called you say by Lauren Daigle)


''Mr.pup, you have served your time you may go now if you want'' Kadin said, not looking up from his papers.

I glanced up from my sketch book, I looked over at the window.


Great, my parents are going to kill me for being late.

''If you keep sitting there im going to think you are stalling'' A rather amused sounding kadin said.

I looked over to him only to see him watching me with a strange mix of emotions in his eyes.

''S-sorry! I was just. . .'' I frowned, Why did I have to blank on excuses now?

''No need to come up with excuses, im not going to punish you for staring off into space'' Kadin said while standing up and approaching me ''Come on, I will drive you home''

I followed him to the door, glancing at his arms all the while, trying to figure out where his soulmarks are.

Damn, his arms really are strong looking

''Keep staring and I might jump you'' Kadin said affectionly as he offered his arm for me.

I found myself blushing and sputtering for words as he just smiled at me gently.

I glanced down at my arm, my soulmarks on full display aginst my pale skin.

''May I?'' A slightly husky voice asked, I looked up to see him looking at me with a emotion I knew, lust.

Swallowing thickly I nodded, my eyes drifting to the floor.

I felt one arm wrap around my waist and I watched as his other hand reached out for my soulmarks.

Wait, why is his arm around my waist?

His fingers touched the dove soulmark and I found out why his arm was around my waist.

Stars exploded behind my eyes and my knees buckled under me, the only thing stopping me from bashing my head in on the floor was Kadin's arm around my waist.

Kadin removed his hand from my arm as soon as the tingles lessened however I was still tingling with energy.

Shoot, I don't want to seem weak

I Tried to stand and squirm free from his grip however he just gripped my waist tighter.

''Hang on Roux, let me get you over to a chair first'' He said gently as he picked me up bridal style and carried me over to his desk.

He set me down in the rather soft chair, I will never admit this but I was greatful that he didn't let me try and stand on my own based upon the tingles racing through my limbs.

''S-sorr-'' I started to say before I felt a hand gently cup my face, I looked up to see Kadin watching me with that mix of emotions again.

''Roux, there is no need to apologize, this is your first time having someone touch your marks, I would be worried if you didn't react that way'' He said, his voice gentle and low, almost like he was talking to a frightened animal.

I found myself glancing down at his arms again only to hear a amused chuckled from said man, looking back up to him I saw a amused smile on his face.

''If you're looking for my soulmarks you're looking in the wrong area'' he said, still using a gentle, quiet voice.

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