epilogue: 8

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Ambrose wasn't at breakfast this morning.

Bailey had taken today off of work. . .Meaning Ambrose wasn't about to catch a break anytime soon.

Paris spent most of his breakfast with his head stuck in the horde of papers Rose had brought home, trying to make heads or tails of the other man's research.

''Dear lord how his penmanship goes out the window when sleep exhaustion hits'' Paris muttered in horror as he tried to read some notes, his morning bagel paused a few inches from his mouth.

I leaned over as Kadin did on the other side of the man, both of us peering over our blonde husband's shoulders.

''Oh wow'' I whispered in shock as Kadin just let out a low whistle.

''This looks like how dementia patients write. . .'' Paris muttered slowly, deep in thought as Kadin just shook his head slightly.

''You two are letting him sleep right?'' Kadin checked, drawing Paris's attention briefly.

''Forcing him might be a better choice of words'' Paris corrected as he went back to eating his bagel, Kadin and I munching on our breakfast as well.

Let's see. . .I've got a meeting at eight. . .Should be over by noon or so. . .

''Have I ever said before how glad I am you don't feel the need to do this to me?'' I absently commented, thinking over my schedule for the day.

That comment got Paris to slowly turn to look at me, his eyes boring into the side of my head.

''You shouldn't have given him that idea'' Kadin chastised before going back to eating his oatmeal as Paris very slowly turned his head to stare at him as well.

''Should we check in on your workloads too?'' Paris asked sweetly, slowly reaching over to grab Kadin's phone.

My husband just eyed his phone before ignoring it as Paris unlocked said phone, starting to scroll through it.

''If you even think about it. . .I will personally bite your cock off in your sleep.'' Kadin purred out in his sleep roughed voice, making Paris's eyes widen slightly, pausing in his scrolling.

I paused as well, a fork full of eggs just an inch from my opened mouth.

''. . .That tone is so sexy but your words. . .'' Paris sighed out, causing me to snicker quietly as Kadin rolled his eyes, fighting a smile of his own.

At that moment, Bailey entered the kitchen, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, fingernail marks dotting his forearm.

We all fell silent, watching as he went and grabbed some eggs and orange juice.

I glared at him when he turned back around, making him pause for a moment.

''. . .I'm not sorry.'' I stated simply before I started to yell at him.

''I have to sit on a pillow now!'' I shouted at him, glaring at him as he smiled proudly.

''Your meetings are over video calls, you can sit on your pillows all day if you want'' Bailey dismissed before making his way back upstairs, most likely to feed his husband/prisoner.

I continued to glare at where he disappeared, ignoring the quiet snicker from Paris.

''Surprised you didn't kick him like you did Paris'' Kadin muttered around another spoon full of his breakfast.

''Yeah, but I didn't ask him to be gentle, so. . .I've got no real reason to be mad at him'' I explained, causing Paris to sputter slightly in surprise.

''I said I'm sorry afterwards!'' Paris complained as Kadin lowered his head, struggling to keep from laughing.

Wrinkling my nose slightly, I glared at the other man, taking an angry bite of my eggs.

The two of us stared at each other for a long moment before Paris handed Kadin back his phone without looking, keeping his eyes trained on me the entire time.

''Hey why don't you and I talk for a bit once we both get off of work'' Paris slowly requested, his eyes narrowing a bit as he spoke.

Huffing quietly, I finished off my breakfast, getting up to put my plate in the dishwasher, wincing all the while.

Ow ow ow. . .Damn it.

As I had my back turned, arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled close to a chest.

The familiar mix of Paris's shampoo, aftershave and cologne meeting my nose at the same time his body heat started to warm me.

''what are you planning on doing?'' I asked quietly as he lowered his head to press his lips to the side of my neck, making me shiver.

''You're still upset I didn't listen to you?'' He questioned, phrasing it like a statement instead.

I nodded none the less.

He pressed a kiss to the soft skin of my throat.

''I want to make it up to you. . .You'll see when I get home'' He soothed, backing off with those words.

He started to head back to the massive pile of papers before pausing and looking back at me.

''You might want to wear a scarf or a high collar shirt, you've got hickies all up and down your neck'' Paris said, grinning cheekily, making my face warm, my hand flying up towards my throat.

Kadin let out a quiet grunt of agreement, very sleepy still.

Pouting, I headed for the stairs.

While we all kept spare clothes in the guest bedroom, we did not keep scarves in there. . .Meaning I had to go to our main bedroom for a nice work scarf or turtleneck to wear.

Knocking quietly on the bedroom door to announce my presence, I opened the door to a sight I had seen a few times before.

Bailey was watching me from where he was sitting on the bed next to Ambrose, a look of questioning in his eyes.

Ambrose. . .His eyes were covered with one of Bailey's ties, his hands bound behind his back and his legs tied so he was forced to be kneeling on the soft bed.

''Everything alright Roux?'' Bailey questioned, setting down the fork he had been using to offer Ambrose food to give me his attention.

''Oh yeah, everything's okay, just forgot what my neck looks like'' I explained sheepishly, my face bright red as I went into the walk in closet, partly to find my shirt. . .Mostly to hide from the embarrassment.


Don't worry, Ambrose does get untied throughout the day so his limbs don't fall asleep :)

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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