Chapter 34: Problem. . .

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Next chapter! Anyone forget about Roux's parents? Yes? Well you're about to be reminded! (We'll also get to meet both Bailey and Paris's parents soon)


I slowly woke up to the soft chirping of birds outside the window.

I felt Paris's arms still wrapped around my waist, However Kadin was no longer asleep in front of me.

I slowly opened my eyes, Glancing around the soft sun-lit room.

Bailey was fast asleep in front of me, His arms wrapped around both Paris and I in a hug.

I slowly and carefully slipped out of the hug, Replacing myself with a pillow.

Bailey grumbled something in his sleep but thankfully didn't wake up.

I glanced down the other hallway, I didn't see any of the doors down there being open so I continued down the stairs.

The quiet clinking of utensils and the sizzle of a pan clued me in as to where he was.

I poked my head into the kitchen, Sure enough he was standing next to the stove, Cooking pancakes.

I approached him from behind and happily hugged him, Burying my face in his back.

He jumped slightly in surprise, His arms moving down to grip my own.

 ''Oh, Roux don't scare me like that'' He lightly scolded, Moving out of my embrace so he could hug me back.

''Sorry'' I squeaked out quietly.

He smiled down at me gently and ruffled my hair, ''It's alright'' He assured me.

I sat down on one of the bar stools, Watching him cook.

I laid my head down on my crossed arms, ''Hey Kadin? Can I ask you a question?'' I asked absently.

''Sure, What is it?'' He asked, Not turning away from the stove.

''Did you. . . Do you have a new soulmark?'' I asked, Confused on how to word such a personal question.

He paused, Slowly turning around.

''Not that I've noticed, Why would you ask something like that?'' He asked, Moving to lean on the counter.

I hesitated, My hand nervously covering my arm.

What if I'm the only one who changed? What if they don't like the fact I might have someone else too. . .

I felt Kadin's hands gently cup my face, Lifting my head up so we were looking at each other again.

''I can't exactly see them easily, Would you like to see if they changed?'' He offered.

His eyes patiently staring back at mine.

I nodded, Moving to the edge of my seat.

He sat down next to me, Laying his head down on his arms so I could see his neck easier.

Sure enough there was a change amongst the marks, Curled up around my mark was the hedgehog.

''They did change! Just like mine!'' I said excitedly, Almost falling off the seat.

''Careful!'' Kadin warned, Reaching out and catching me before I could fall off.

''Sorry'' I said meekly, My cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

He smiled down at me gently, His hand resting on my shoulder.

 ''Just be careful alright?'' He said quietly, His hand moving to brush some curls off of my face.

I blushed, A small shy smile spreading across my face.

Kadin chuckled quietly before going back to the stove.

''Do you want two pancakes or three?'' He asked, Glancing back at me.

I opened my mouth to answer however the door bell ringing distracted me.

Kadin and I glanced at each other before he started to head to the door.

I followed right behind him, Almost bumping into him a few times.

He carefully moved me so I was behind him before he opened the door.

Standing on the porch was none other then Sarah!

''Hello Mr. Stone'' She greeted curtly.

''Morning Sarah, Want to come in?'' Kadin offered politely.

She shook her head, Giving us both a sad look.

''I'm afraid this visit is not for pleasantries'' She said, Giving us a apologetic look.

''Oh, What happened?'' I asked, Stepping out from behind Kadin.

''I'm afraid your parents are trying to regain custody of both you and your sister'' She said.

''But they can't do that. . . Right?'' I asked, My hands nervously twisting at my shirt.

 I felt Kadin pull me close to him, Holding me in a half hug of sorts.

''If my plan works? No they can't'' She said, Pushing her glasses back into place.

''Well, What's this plan of yours then?'' Bailey asked, Making both Kadin and I jump slightly in surprise.

''Well, Their case is relying on the fact that none of you have much of a record, Good or other wise, Their case is riding on the fact that you guys might not be good for him'' She explained, ''If you guys can contact some people to vouch for yourselves then we should be able to blow their case out of the water''.

''Will co-workers work?'' Paris asked, Moving to stand next to Bailey.

''Not if they are known to be on your side, The people must either be neutrals or someone who is related to you guys'' She explained.

I glanced back at the guys, Their expressions were rather varied.

Bailey looked like he was considering killing someone, Kadin seemed to be deep in though and Paris?

His expression was unreadable for some reason.

''Alright, Thank you for informing us Sarah'' Kadin said politely.

She nodded before waving bye to us.

Kadin sighed, Leaning on the closed door.

''Paris? See if some of your Co-workers are willing to help'' Bailey ordered, Pulling out his phone.

''Who are you calling?'' Kadin asked, Still holding me in a hug.

''I'm calling my parents. Hopefully my fathers opinion will help sway this case in our favor'' He explained.

Kadin frowned, ''Do you want me to try and contact mine?'' He asked quietly.

I could feel a tension in the air at this point.

Bailey sighed and shook his head, ''No, That won't be a good idea, I will see if we can't ask Paris's parents though. . .'' He said.

''No! That is not a good idea!'' Paris squeaked out, Looking paniced.

Kadin chuckled and pulled me towards the kitchen as Paris tried to get Bailey to change his mind.

''Kadin? Why does Paris not want us to meet his parents?'' I asked, Sitting back down on one of the seats.

He just smiled and shook his head, ''You'll see soon'' He said calmly.

. . . I can't tell if this will be good or bad. . .


Alright! Left on a cliff hanger. . . Well a bit of good news, After this whole little drama is over Roux's parents won't appear again sooo. . . Do as you will to them after this little issue is over.

Like always have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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