Chapter 19: Back to normal

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I got some time to kill so, Here's another chapter! :D


I leaned on the counter, Kadin had dropped me off at work before he left for the school.

He had stayed behind for a good half hour, Just hovering around me, Making sure I was okay as I did my normal routine.

He eventually had to leave or else he would be late, He made sure I would be okay before he left though.

I must admit it kinda calmed me down knowing he, Paris and even Bailey would look for me if anything happened to me.

'Penny for ya thoughts'

I smiled over at Ferris, My head resting on my propped up hand.

''Just wondering how I felt so safe before when you, Brook and our friends were the only ones who would care for me'' I admitted, My gaze lazily gliding over the stocked shelves of the store.

No one really came in here early in the morning, Most people started coming in on their lunch break or after work.

I felt Ferris 'Kiss' my cheek before he walked around so he was in front of me, I smiled and gently stroked his head feathers.

He happily crooned, Leaning into my pets.

My smile slowly fell as I stared absently down at his feathers, ''Hey Ferris? You think something like what happened before will happen again?'' I asked, A note of worry ringing in my voice.

'Nu! We protect you!'

He chirped out, Puffing his chest out and strutting around as if he was guarding me.

I chuckled and leaned my head down on my crossed arms, ''Thanks bud, I feel much better now'' I whispered gently to him.

He clucked happily and moved to perch on my crossed arms, I smiled slightly again, Actually feeling a bit better.

Just gotta get through today, Then we will be back with them. . .

--- Time skip---

I laid my head down on the small concreate wall outside of the shop, Today was exhausting.

I had multiple people ask if the docile pet snakes we had out today were poisonous or not, I swear, it gets on my nerves.

Sadly that was the easiest thing today, Multiple parents chose to bring their hell spawn into the store today.

Normally I find little kids endearing however. . . These ones were hell spawn!

One group of kids wanted to get a dog so they pestered their mom until she caved in and asked for her kids to see the dogs.

Due to the rules, I had to let them back to see the dogs.

Those hell spawns went right to our oldest dog, They reached through the bars and tugged on the poor thing's fur.

The sweetie didn't bite those kids but she did attempt to back away, Yelping all the while.

Those little demons ended up ripping out a few Handfuls of her fur, I was able to kick them out of the store before tending to the poor bleeding dog.

Again, The day was not done there, Someone's kids ran around the store, Knocking everything off the shelves for the fun of it.

'You okay?'

I lifted my head enough to peer up at Ferris, He was perched over me, Guarding me.

''Yeah, 'm just tired'' I mumbled, Burying me head back in my arms.

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