epilogue: 2

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:)  (2/10)


Bedtime is an interesting affair in our house.

''Paris, I love you but I'm tired, I've had a long day dealing with troublemakers'' Kadin sighed out as he gently pushed the blonde's face away from his neck.

I smiled fondly from where I was snuggled up beside Kadin, relaxed and content despite the fact that one of our members was currently missing from our cuddle pile.

Paris sighed out before flopping down between Kadin and Bailey, a groan leaving the eternally horny man as the dark haired man on his other side let out an amused huff.

''I'm surprised you've left Ambrose alone as long as you have'' Kadin commented, rolling over so he was facing Paris, his back to me as Bailey let out a quiet hum of agreement.

Another groan left the blonde -Who was still half hard- as he ran his fingers through his hair.

''Remember when Bailey taught him self defense? Well, he uses it every time I try to get him in the mood'' Paris grumbled, sulking.

I couldn't help but let out a small little snort of amusement, gaining the attention of my petulant soulmate.

Which was quite unfortunate for me. . .

I could see a downright evil glint in my soulmate's eyes as he turned his full, undivided attention towards me.

A small, weary smile formed on my face as he proceeded to carefully crawl over Kadin, advancing towards me as I backed up closer to the head board.

I shrunk back slightly, pressing closer into the bedding as Paris towered over me, his hands resting on either side of my head.

''Hi'' I whispered as a lopsided grin formed on the other man's face.

''Hello'' He murmured back, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to my neck as I squirmed about a bit.

''Paris. Bailey taught me self defense as well'' I warned lightly, not actually meaning my words too much.

I tried to stifle a grin as a groan left the horny man as he sat up, his full weight on my legs.

''Bailey, why have you done this to me?'' Paris questioned, mock despair in his voice as our husband who was reading something on his phone let out an amused huff.

''I personally prefer knowing my husbands can defend themselves over making things easier on a certain horny man to sex up his husbands'' Bailey muttered, yawning almost instantly afterwards.

Paris groaned before turning his gaze back to me as I tentatively ran my hand over his arm closest to me.

''I have some coding to do early in the morning tomorrow so. . .'' I murmured softly as excitement gleamed in my spouse's eyes.

Anything else I wanted to say was cut off as he pressed his lips to mine, silencing me.

''Promise I'll be gentle'' Paris murmured next to my ear as Kadin shifted closer to Bailey, giving Paris and I room to 'have fun' together.

--- NSFW ---

I tiled my head back slightly as my husband proceeded to press kisses and suck hickies into my neck, his hands slipped up under my nightshirt, running over as much skin as he could.

Distantly, I heard someone open a drawer before Paris lifted my shirt up off over my head, obscuring my view of the chaos that proceeded to occur.

There was a thunk followed my a shout from Paris.

''Bailey!'' Paris snapped out as I finally got the shirt off of my head, revealing my blonde husband glaring at our smirking partner who was pretending to be focused on his phone.

A bottle of lube laid on the bed nearby.

I held back a snicker as Paris grumbled quietly, his full attention turning back to me. . .And my struggle not to laugh at his predicament.

''Oh hush you'' Paris muttered, his lips twitching up in a slight smile as he went back to slowly kissing his way down my body, making my breath hitch ever so slightly, a warmth building in my chest.

A small breathy moan left me as I squirmed under his attentions, my eyes fluttering closed as he started to tug down my pajama pants.

There was a quiet click of a bottle cap before cold liquid was poured onto my entrance, drawing a small whimper from me as I spread my legs further to allow the other man between them.

''Oh sweet Roux, you look so angelic'' Paris murmured softly as a finger prodded gently at my entrance.

I moaned and squirmed as he started to open me up, his fingers brushing so very close to the special spot inside me with every push inside.

Far too soon, yet also not soon enough, the fingers were removed, gaining a noise of protest from me.

Paris shushed me quietly before starting to push inside, having stretched me just enough that a faint burn was all the discomfort I felt.

Slowly, ever so painfully slowly, he pushed inside me until he was fully sheathed, leaving me feeling so very full.

The two of us were breathing hard as my eyes slowly opened, staring up at Paris through a haze of lust.

Heat stirred inside me as my sweet husband leaned down to push a kiss into my mouth, pulling almost completely out as he did so, swallowing my moans all the while.

The only warning I got before he started to drive me into the bed was my sweet husband moving his hands down to grip at my hips.

Reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck, I held on as he lifted me so he could thrust up into me, hitting that spot inside me that made my vision swim with a nearly cruel intensity.

The heat and pressure was building inside me, nearing it's peak as my dear husband moved to gently nip and kiss at my neck.

Every thrust punched moans out of me with every breath as my head spun, my face warm with arousal.

My arousal bobbed between the two of us, sending zips of pleasure to fuel the heat inside me every time it brushed against my partner's skin.

Finally, with a few more thrusts, I fell into the burning pits of arousal as went over the edge, my semen painting my husband's chest as he picked up the pace with which he was fucking me.

A few moments later, he spilled himself inside me, finally laying back onto the bed, moving me to lay across his chest.

Peace and silence filled the air for a long moment before Bailey chuckled softly, drawing my sex hazed attention towards him.

''Didn't you promise to be gentle with him love?'' The other man questioned, making me close my eyes with a groan.

I could already feel the soreness starting.

Dang it.


:D NSFW for everyone!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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