Chapter 22: Birthday

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So, It came to my attention (Due to the fact i was looking back through the character's info sheets i got) That today (In book time, Not in real time) is Roux's birthday.

So thats the plot today


Sighing I pushed myself up off of Paris's chest, Glancing over at the window I noticed the sun was starting to rise.

Oh hell, I need to be getting ready

I squirmed around in Paris's grip, He tightened his arms around my waist, Holding me in place.

''What's the matter?'' He asked worriedly, Sitting up to pull me close to his chest.

'I gotta get ready for school'' I muttered, Resuming my squirming.

He sighed and buried his face in the small of my back, I squeaked in surprise and resumed my squirming.

''Paris? What are you and Roux doing up this early?'' A tired voice asked, We both looked up to see Kadin standing not too far away from us.

''Storm woke us up'' He replied, Moving to rest his chin on my shoulder.

I glanced over at him, He looked over to me and gave me a small smile.

''Alright, You might want to let him go, He does have school today after all'' Kadin said, Moving over to sit next to us.

Sighing again Paris let me go, I quickly got up and backed away.

Paris glanced over at me before he flopped back down to the sofa, Pulling Kadin into a hug.

''What the heck Paris??'' Kadin demanded, Trying to turn around to face him.

A small sad smile lifted the corners of my mouth, '' 'M tired still'' Paris answered simply.

I walked to the stairs, The faint sounds of Kadin trying to coax Paris to let him go being the only sound in the house.

They really are perfect together. . .

I stared down at the floor, My hand twisting my shirt over where my heart beats.

Odd, Why am I feeling like this. . .

Sighing I looked up, Trying to force the dejected feeling away.

That didn't work, If anything it made my heart hurt worse.

I opened the bedroom door to see Bailey stepping out of the bathroom, His hair still dripping drops of water.

I forced a smile onto my face, He looked over at me and smiled back.

''You're up early'' He commented, Moving over to kiss me on my forehead.

''Mhm, Have to get ready for school'' I answered, Dodging his attempt at hugging me.

He gave me a teasing pout before ruffling my hair, '' 'Aight then, Im going to harass the others in that case'' He said, Leaving for the bedroom door.

I sighed and walked into the bathroom, My smile dropping.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a few seconds as the shower warmed up, I had slight bags under my eyes, making them look duller then normal.

My skin was pale, My hair a mess.

What do they even see in me?

Sighing I stepped into the shower, The dejected feeling in my chest seeming to fill every inch of me.

What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way. . .

I shook my head, Small droplets of water flinging around the shower from my hair.

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