Chapter 58: Second side

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 More talking. . .


Paris was upstairs harassing Kadin when Ambrose finally came back in.

Before he came back I had managed to drink a bit of the soda, That was until I started to feel queasy.

''Roux? Where are you?'' I heard the familiar velvety cold voice ask as Ambrose's footsteps approached the couch I was currently curled up on.

I had pulled the blanket up over my head by now, Completely hiding myself in soft warm darkness.

''I'm in here'' I called out, My voice becoming muffled even to my ears.

I heard his footsteps approach the couch before I popped my head out from the blanket cocoon.

Much to my surprise. . . And slight amusement, He jumped back, His eyes widening in startled fear behind his . . .Glasses.

''You put on your glasses?'' I noted, Watching as the man paused to calm down, His eyes still wide.

''Hell Roux you fucking scared me'' He hissed out, His hand over his heart as he caught his breath.

A tiny smile formed on my face despite my best efforts to keep my face blank.

''Yeah yeah, Laugh it up'' He grumbled, Moving to sit down next to me.

I felt a pang of guilt at first, Assuming he was offended.

Taking one look at his face told me otherwise though.

A small tiny smile was on his lips.

''I thought you didn't want to wear your glasses around Paris'' I pointed out, Confused why he was suddenly doing so.

He glanced behind us, Clearly checking for said man before he looked back at me.

''I don't normally want to, However I want to get back at him'' He explained, Confusing me even more.

''Why would wearing glasses get back at him?'' I asked, Confused how such a simple thing as glasses would affect Paris in any way.

He gave me a small smile before he gently placed his arm around my shoulders.

''You know why he always tries to look people in the eye?'' Ambrose asked, Confusing me with the seemingly random question.

''No? I haven't asked him or anything'' I muttered, Adding on the last bit to try and add to our conversation.

He nodded slightly, Looking back at the nearest window.

''I'm not surprised he didn't tell you about his little trick. . .'' Ambrose muttered before looking back to me.

Before I could ask what this little trick was he continued.

''Paris is really good at reading people's emotions using their eyes, However, Things like glasses and contacts tend to throw him off'' He explained, His hand on my shoulder briefly raising to brush a curl of hair away from my face.

''But you normally wear contacts, Why would you want to change to glasses seeing as the effect if the same either way?'' I asked quietly, Staring up at the tired looking man.

A small, Amused smile formed on his face, ''Simple, This is a clear sign that I'm doing it on purpose now'' He explained.

I shook my head, A small slightly sad smile on my face.

''If it's not too rude, Can I ask you a question?'' I asked, Glancing back up at him, A slight nervous feeling forming in my chest.

''You just did'' He pointed out, Sounding slightly amused before he continued, ''But yes, Of course you can''.

''Why. . . Why do you two hate each other so much?'' I asked, Starting to have second guesses about this touchy subject.

He was silent for a moment before sighing, ''Well, Did Paris tell you we were in the same course together when we were still learning?'' Ambrose asked, Clearly trying to see how much I already knew.

''Yeah, He also told me what happened when you guys got patients. . .'' I said quietly, Catching the other man up to speed on what I knew.

He nodded slowly, Looking back over at the window.

''Well. . . Did he tell you he was the youngest in our class at the time?'' He asked, His eyes never leaving the window.

I shook my head, Remaining quiet to allow him to continue.

Ambrose let out a bitter chuckle before continuing, ''Yeah, He was a young prodigy in a way, He always went out of his way to give advice on what others were doing wrong. . .'' He muttered before continuing, ''Thing is, He was normally right too''

He tilted his head back slightly, Looking up at the ceiling.

''That always annoyed me but the thing that made me hate him was when he found his soulmate. . .And as his patient no less. . .'' He muttered, Spite in his voice.

I kept silent, Watching as Ambrose ran his fingers through his hair slightly.

''The world always seems to hand everything to that man without him needing to put in effort'' Ambrose muttered quietly before sighing, Shaking his head.

''That. . . Pretty much catches you up to what happened before my fuck up with his sister'' He grumbled quietly, Lifting up his glasses slightly to rub at his eyes tiredly as he spoke.

''Why. . . Why were you upset he found his soulmate?'' I asked quietly after a while of silence.

He glanced back at me before he rested his head in his hand with a tired sigh, ''Because, I was one of the oh so 'lucky' people to be born without a soulmate, Yet he. . . He got three'' He grumbled quietly.

I glanced down at my hands before moving closer to Ambrose, Cuddling up beside the man.

''Well, You have soulmates now. . .'' I pointed out quietly.

I didn't really like the slightly desolate look on his face, He just looked. . . Sad. 

He let out a bitter chuckle at that, I looked up at him as he sat back up straight, His arm moving back to gently rest over my shoulders.

''And at what cost. . .'' He muttered quietly as the sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

I watched as the sad looking man's face slowly turned devoid of emotions, Back to the blank and cold expression I had seen him wearing when he was at work.

 . . . Wonder how we're going to get all this to work out. . .

A small sigh escaped me before it turned into a quiet cough.


Alright, We get a tiny bit of Ambrose's reason to hate Paris, It's not the full reason though, Any guesses what the full reason is?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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