Chapter 82: Conversations

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And we've got Ambrose's Pov for this chapter


I stared up at the building in front of me.

I was starting to hate how familiar this building was becoming.

Better get this over with. . .Who knows. . .They might actually have something sane to say for once. . .

Reaching up, I knocked on the door, Bracing myself as it started to open.

I fully expected to be faced with Paris is all his annoying aggravating glory.

Instead, A fairly tired looking Bailey opened the door for me.

''You actually decided to visit. . .'' Bailey muttered, Holding the door open a bit wider for me.

I gave him a thin smile, Starting to regret coming to visit.

Oh this is gonna be awkward I bet. . .

Stepping inside, I made sure to keep the taller man in my line of sight at all times.

''So. . .What was it you wanted to talk about?'' I asked, Wanting to get this out of the way as quickly as I could.

Bailey just arched an eyebrow before tilting his head in the direction of where I assumed the kitchen was.

''Are you old enough to drink?'' Bailey asked, Changing the subject just like that.

I felt my lips twitch downwards slightly in a disapproving frown briefly.

''Yes. . .I am more than old enough to drink. . .'' I muttered slowly, Unsure where this was leading.

This better not be going down the path I think this is going. . .

I wanted to go home and just go to bed, It's been a long day and I was more than done with it.

However, Based on how this was going, I doubted I was going to go home anytime soon.

Great. . .

''Why don't we head into the kitchen and have a little chat then'' Bailey said slowly, The tone of his voice not helping to comfort me.

Dipping my head slightly, I followed behind the taller man, My shoulders tensing slightly as I followed him deeper into the house.

This is how some horror movies start I think. . .

Sitting down at one of the bar stool like chairs that were pushed up to the island counter, I kept my eyes on Bailey as he went to the fridge.

I watched as he pulled out two beer cans before offering one to me.

Shaking my head slightly, I declined the offered beverage.

I really want to keep my mind about me for anything that's about to go down. . .

Bailey shrugged before putting the second one back and opening the first one.

''So. . .What is it you wanted to talk about.'' I asked slowly, Eyeing the drink currently in Bailey's hand wearily.

I didn't know how high Bailey's alcohol tolerance was, However If it was low than tonight might not go so well. . .

''I want to know why you keep acting like you don't want to join our bond.'' Bailey asked bluntly, Staring me in the eye as he spoke.

I pushed my glasses up slightly, A force of habit of mine.

''I'm not acting.'' I said firmly, Looking away from the other man as I spoke.

I could see Bailey arch an eyebrow out of the corner of my eye before he took a sip of his beer.

''Then why did you come here?'' The man next to me asked simply, I could hear the amusement in his voice despite the harsher edge of his tone.

I shouldn't have. . .

Shrugging slightly, I glanced back over at the other man.

''Figured it'd be rude not to at least hear you out'' I muttered, Despite what I was saying being a very tiny lie.

I did want to join their bond. . .At least, A small part of me did.

However, Paris and I hated each other far too much for this to ever work out.

I wasn't an idiot, One of us would always have to compromise and ignore our feelings if we were ever to go through with this relationship thing.

As much as I hate Paris. . .That wouldn't be fair. . .They were his soulmates, I'm just grafted onto this bond, Not an original part of it. . .

''That's really the only reason you came to visit?'' Bailey asked, His voice back to it's monotone deep rumble.

I shrugged slightly, Looking away from him again before sighing heavily.

''No, I guess I did enjoy the company of Kadin and Roux. . .'' I admitted.

My admission made Bailey bark out a small laugh.

''Really? You didn't enjoy anyone else's company?'' Bailey questioned, Smiling ever so slightly as he spoke.

I let out a heavy sigh, Reaching a hand up to rub tiredly at my eyes.

''Is this really all you wanted to talk about?'' I asked, Trying to change the subject.

Before Bailey could answer, The sound of the front door unlocking caught both of our attentions.

I glanced at the other man, My heart skipping more than a few beats.

That can't be good. . .

''We're home Bailey!'' Paris's voice sang out tiredly from the entrance area.

Oh no. . .

I really didn't want the others to come in here and see me with Bailey, That might send more than a few wrong messages. . .

Tensing up, I raised my head just as Paris entered the kitchen, The smile on his face dropping as soon as his eyes landed on us.

''Ambrose. I didn't know you were coming to visit.'' Paris muttered, His voice a little clipped.

I was about to respond when Bailey spoke up.

''I invited him over'' Bailey stated simply, Getting up as he spoke.

''Why'' Was all Paris said to that.

I kept my mouth shut, Watching the scene that was about to go down.

Before anything else could happen however, The other two entered the kitchen.

I could feel my eyes widen as my gaze landed in the little blue eyed teen.

Why the hell is he wearing a maid outfit. . .Wait are those cat ears?. . .What where they doing??


And a late chapter with Ambrose. . .Making assumptions what his soulmates were doing while he was gone. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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