Chapter 33: Fluff

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A chapter of fluff before the new plot point starts to happen


Kadin was so worried when he arrived at the hanger.

I stood up to greet him but before I could even speak he pulled me tightly into his arms in a hug.

''Thank the lord you're okay'' He whispered quietly in relief, All but crushing me against his chest.

I hugged him back lightly, My wrist burns starting hurt from such a simple action.

I felt him lightly kiss my head, His arms refusing to let me go.

''Bailey and Paris are on their way here'' He assured me, Still holding me close.

I nodded quietly, My eyes starting to droop.

''Hey, Stay awake sweetie'' He murmured quietly, Gently rubbing at my back.

I stared up at him tiredly, He looked so relived to see me.

The sound of a car pulling up outside caught both of our attentions.

Kadin moved back enough so both of us could see who just arrived.

Paris got out of his car and rushed over to us, ''Kadin is he okay?'' He asked quickly.

''I'm fi-'' I started to say before Paris pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

''We were so worried'' He whispered, Hugging me almost painfully tight.

I squirmed around in his grip, Trying to un-pin my arms so I could hug him back.

The quiet clearing of a throat drew our attention back to Leo, ''Sorry to break up your reunion, However Roux's wrists got very badly burned and he will most likely require medical attention'' Leo said calmly.

Paris's eyes widened before he carefully grabbed my arms.

''Oh boy, Paris will you. . .'' Kadin started to say, Pulling me into his arms before Paris interrupted him.

''I'll drive'' Paris said, Leading Kadin and I to his car.

I was starting to feel tired now that the stress was over.

Kadin buckled me into the backseat, Sitting next to me so he could hold me.

Paris glanced back at us before starting the car.

I felt myself drifting off as Kadin held me close, I could hear him talking with Paris but it was as if I was listening from underwater.

I felt Kadin gently shake me, Trying to wake me up.

''It's okay Kadin, He's had a rough day, I'm sure him getting a little shut eyes won't hurt him'' I could faintly hear Paris reasoning.

I felt Kadin move again before I felt the warmth of a jacket settle over me like a blanket.

--- Time skip ---

We had stopped at the hospital on our way home, The doctor said I'll just have scars where the burned skin is.

Thankfully there was no further damage.

 The doctor had treated the burns before telling Kadin and Paris to make sure I rested.

On a side note, Daire had contacted me and informed me that he and his team dropped my and I quote 'Epic ball of feathers and pure fury' off at the vet. 

I sighed in boredom, Snuggled close to Kadin's side.

Huh. . . I thought sleeping all day would be nice. . .

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