Chapter 20: Worry

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Annnnd here we go!


I just barely made it through class, Every few seconds I could feel my eye lids drooping.

I must have fallen asleep though despite my best efforts, I woke up to someone gently shaking my shoulder.

I tiredly peered up at Kadin, He gave me a sympathetic smile before brushing my curls out of my eyes.

''Ready to go home?'' He asked, Keeping his voice quiet.

I nodded tiredly and got up, He held out his hand for me.

Blushing, I walked beside him, Holding his hand.

I stumbled a few times as we walked, Too tired to walk in a straight line.

Kadin stopped and turned to face me, ''Here, You are far too tired to be walking'' He said gently.

I was about to protest, Sure I was tired, and stumbling around like a headless chicken but my legs still worked.

Before I could say anything I yawned, He gave me a 'See?' Look before wrapping his arms around me.

Next thing I knew he had scooped me up bridal style, I blushed as he smiled gently down at me.

He didn't say anything as he carried me out to the car, Surprisingly the silence was not awkward in any way.

As he carried me I noticed I could faintly hear his heart beat, Soon enough my eye lids were drooping again as the steady beat of his heart provided background noise.

I felt him move me around a bit before I was set gently in the passenger seat of the car, I looked up as he got in on his side.

I smiled tiredly at him, He returned the smile with a equally tired one before he moved forwards to lightly kiss my forehead.

''Close your eyes for a bit okay Roux?'' He murmured gently, A hand moving to brush some curls out of my face again.

I let out a tired hum, Leaning my head into his hand.

He smiled gently and gently ruffled my hair before turning the car on, As we drove out of the school parking lot I felt my eye lids drooping again.

So, Tired.

The sound of the road beneath the tires lulled me softly into sleep.

--- Time skip ---

The feel of the bed shifting slightly under me woke me up, I slowly blinked my eyes open, Looking around in confusion.

How did I get here?

My eyes locked on Kadin laying next to me, He looked very tired.

He opened his eyes just enough to look back at me, His honey eyes visibly tired.

He gave me a small smile, One of his hands gently threading through my hair as he pulled me closer to himself.

I snuggled close to him, He sighed in content, Going back to sleep.

I laid there for a while, Just listening to his heartbeat thump away.

The sound of the front door opening rang loudly through the quiet house, I squirmed out of Kadin's loose grip.

After replacing myself with a pillow I snuck down the stairs, Bailey came out of the kitchen at the same moment I came down the stairs.

He was looking around, Confused.

''Hey Roux, Where's Kadin?'' He asked, Moving the rest a hand on my shoulder.

''He's sleeping'' I whispered, Not wanting to disturb him.

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